潘海瑞 10 months ago
4 changed files with 523 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 28 0
  2. 94 0
  3. 53 0
  4. 348 0

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import { Base } from "../../static/util/base.js";
+class hisData extends Base {
+  constructor() {
+    super();
+  }
+  //
+  getlandimgbyphone(data, callBack) {
+    const params = {
+		url: '/admin/employee/getlandimgbyphone',
+		type: 'GET',
+		data:data,
+		sCallBack: function (res) {
+			callBack && callBack(res)
+		}
+    }
+    this.request(params);
+  }
+const _hisData = new hisData();
+export { _hisData };

+ 94 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+	<view>
+	  <cu-custom class="home-custom" bgColor=".bg-sancolor" bgImage="https://ahwgh.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/enterprise/6525f808df760.png" :isBack="true" >
+	        <block slot="content">精准大田专家填报记录</block>
+	  </cu-custom>
+	  <view class="cu-list menu margin-top" v-for="(item,index) in dataList" :key="index">
+	  	<view class="cu-form-group">
+	  		<view class="title must">专家名称</view>
+			{{item.author}}
+	  	</view>
+	    <view class="cu-form-group">
+	        <view class="title must">位置</view>
+			{{item.site}}
+	    </view>
+		<view class="cu-form-group">
+		    <view class="title must">指导时间</view>
+			{{item.pzdt[0]+'年'+item.pzdt[1]+'月'+item.pzdt[2]+'日'}}
+		</view>
+		<view class="cu-form-group">
+		    <view class="title must">现场图片</view>
+			<image :src="item.imgurl"></image>
+		</view>
+	  </view>
+	</view>
+  import { Messages } from "prettier/parser-postcss";
+  import { _hisData } from "./his_data.js";
+  export default {
+    name: "basics",
+    data() {
+      return {
+        cardCur: 0,	
+        dotStyle: false,
+        towerStart: 0,
+        direction: "",
+		userInfo:{},
+		imgList: [],//图片list
+		dataList:[],
+		caseTypeList:[],//'黑塔镇蒋杨村','韦集镇陈圩村','灵城镇界沟村','支河镇鸭湖村'
+      };
+    },
+	onLoad() {
+		this.getDataList();
+	},
+    methods: {
+		//获取历史填报数据
+		getDataList(){
+			const ph = wx.getStorageSync('password');
+			console.log("手机号:" + ph);
+			_hisData.getlandimgbyphone({
+				phone:ph
+			},res=>{
+				console.log(res)
+				this.dataList=res.data.data;
+			})
+		}
+    }
+  };
+    .page {
+        height: 100vh;
+    }
+    .footer {
+        position: fixed;
+        text-align: center;
+        line-height: 40px;
+        margin-bottom: 2px;
+        bottom: 10vh;
+        width: 100%;
+        font-size: 12px;
+    }
+    .footer view {
+        line-height: 22px;
+    }

+ 53 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+import { Base } from "../../static/util/base.js";
+class home extends Base {
+  constructor() {
+    super();
+  }
+  //获取最近的地块list
+  location(data, callBack) {
+    const params = {
+      url: '/admin/employee/location',
+      type: 'GET',
+      data:data,
+      sCallBack: function (res) {
+        callBack && callBack(res)
+      }
+    }
+    this.request(params);
+  }
+	//上传图片
+	ChooseImage(filePath, callBack) {
+		const params = {
+			url: '/admin/employee/geturl',
+			type: 'POST',
+			name: 'photo',
+			filePath: filePath,
+			sCallBack: function (res) {
+				callBack && callBack(res)
+			}
+		}
+		this.uploadFile(params);
+	}
+	getLandImg(data, callBack) {
+	  const params = {
+			url: '/admin/employee/getLandImg',
+			type:'POST',
+			data:data,
+			sCallBack: function (res) {
+				callBack && callBack(res)
+			}
+	  }
+	  this.request(params);
+	}
+const _home = new home();
+export { _home };

+ 348 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+<template >
+  <view>
+    <cu-custom class="home-custom" bgColor=".bg-sancolor" bgImage="https://ahwgh.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/enterprise/6525f808df760.png" :isBack="true" >
+          <block slot="content">精准大田专家填报系统</block>
+    </cu-custom>
+    <scroll-view scroll-y class="page">
+		<view>
+			<view class=" cu-bar bg-white solid-bottom margin-top" >
+			    <view class="action">
+			        <text class="cuIcon-title text-blue"></text> 信息填报
+			    </view>
+			</view>
+			<view class="cu-list menu margin-top">
+				<view class="cu-form-group">
+					<view class="title must">专家名称</view>
+					<input type="text" :value="userInfo.author">
+				</view>
+			    <view class="cu-form-group">
+			        <view class="title must">位置选择</view>
+					<picker :value="userInfo.site" :range="pickerRange"  @change="caseTypeChange">
+						<view class="picker">
+							{{ userInfo.site ?userInfo.site :'请选择'}}
+						</view>
+					</picker>
+			    </view>
+			    <view class="cu-form-group">
+			        <view class="title must">指导时间</view>
+			        <input type="text" :value="userInfo.pzdt" disabled>
+			    </view>
+			    <view class="cu-bar bg-white ">
+			    	<view class="action must">
+			    		现场图片
+			    	</view>
+			    	<view class="action">
+			    		{{ imgList.length }}/1
+			    	</view>
+			    </view>
+			    <view class="cu-form-group">
+			    	<view class="grid col-4 grid-square flex-sub">
+			    		<view class="bg-img" v-for="(item,index) in imgList" :key="index" @tap="ViewImage" :data-url="imgList[index]">
+			    			<image :src="imgList[index]" mode="aspectFill"></image>
+			    			<view class="cu-tag bg-red" @tap.stop="DelImg" :data-index="index">
+			    				<text class='cuIcon-close'></text>
+			    			</view>
+			    		</view>
+			    		<view class="solids" @tap="ChooseImage" v-if="imgList.length<1">
+			    			<text class='cuIcon-cameraadd'></text>
+			    		</view>
+			    	</view>
+			    </view>
+			</view>
+			<view class="padding  flex flex-direction">
+			    <button class="cu-btn bg-blue lg  margin-tb-sm shadow-blur text-lg"
+			            @click="submit" type="" >提交
+			    </button>
+			</view>
+		</view>
+		<view class="footer">
+			<view>主办单位:安徽省农业农村厅质监处</view>
+			<view>技术支持:安徽省北斗精准农业信息工程实验室</view>
+		</view>
+      <view class="cu-tabbar-height"></view>
+    </scroll-view>
+  </view>
+  import { Messages } from "prettier/parser-postcss";
+  import { _home } from "./check.js";
+  export default {
+    name: "basics",
+    data() {
+      return {
+        cardCur: 0,
+        dotStyle: false,
+        towerStart: 0,
+        direction: "",
+		userInfo:{},
+		imgList: [],//图片list
+		caseTypeList:[],//'黑塔镇蒋杨村','韦集镇陈圩村','灵城镇界沟村','支河镇鸭湖村'
+      };
+    },
+	computed: {
+		pickerRange() {
+		  return this.caseTypeList.map(item => item.site);
+		}
+	},
+	created() {
+		const now = new Date();
+		const year = now.getFullYear();
+		const month = now.getMonth() + 1;
+		const day = now.getDate();
+		const today = year + "-" + (month >= 10 ? month : ("0" + month)) + "-" + (day >= 10 ? day : ("0" + day));
+		this.$set(this.userInfo, "pzdt", today);
+		this.getLo();
+		this.$set(this.userInfo,"author",wx.getStorageSync('username'));
+		console.log("缓存"+wx.getStorageSync('username'))
+		this.toNextPage();
+	},
+    methods: {
+		getLocation() {
+			return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+				uni.getLocation({
+					type: 'gcj02',
+					success: res => {
+						console.log('当前位置的经度:' + res.longitude);
+						console.log('当前位置的纬度:' + res.latitude);
+						const {latitude: lat, longitude: lng} = res;
+						resolve(res);
+					},
+					fail: err => {
+						this.$msg("位置获取失败");
+						reject("位置获取失败");
+					}
+				});
+			})
+		},
+		getLo(){
+			console.log("1111111")
+			uni.showLoading({
+			    title:'获取位置中...'
+			});
+			this.getLocation().then(res => {
+				console.log(res)
+				_home.location({
+					volatitude:res.latitude,
+					volongitude:res.longitude
+				},res=>{
+					uni.hideLoading();
+					console.log(res)
+					console.log(res.data.data[1].site)
+					var a=[];
+					a=res.data.data;
+					this.caseTypeList=[];
+					for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
+						this.caseTypeList.push({
+							id:i,
+							site:a[i].site,
+						})
+					}
+				})
+			   /* const {latitude: lat, longitude: lng} = res;
+			    if(!lat || !lng){
+			        this.$msg("位置信息获取失败");
+			        this.disableFirstBtn = false;
+			    }
+			    this.$set(this.checkInfo, "check_lng", lng)
+			    this.$set(this.checkInfo, "check_lat", lat) */
+			})
+		},
+		/**
+		 * 类型选择事件
+		 * **/
+		caseTypeChange(e){
+			console.log(e.detail.value);
+			//this.userInfo.case_type=e.detail.value;
+			this.$set(this.userInfo,"site",this.caseTypeList[e.detail.value].site)
+		},
+		submit(){
+			var that=this;
+			this.$set(this.userInfo,"imgurl",this.imgList.join(','))
+			console.log(this.userInfo);
+			  wx.showModal({
+			    title: '提示', //提示的标题
+			    content: '确定提交吗?', //提示的内容
+			    success: function(res) {
+					if(res.confirm) {
+						_home.getLandImg(that.userInfo,res=>{
+							console.log(res)
+							if(res.data.code===1){
+								that.$msg("上报成功!");
+								delete that.userInfo.imgurl;
+								delete that.userInfo.site;
+								that.imgList=[]
+							}else{
+								that.$msg("上报失败!");
+							}
+						})
+					}
+			    }
+			  })
+		},
+		//照片
+		ChooseImage() {
+			uni.chooseImage({
+				count:3, //默认9
+				sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], //可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有
+				sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], //从相册选择
+				success: (res) => {
+					console.log(res)
+					uni.showLoading({
+						title: '图片上传中'
+					})
+					_home.ChooseImage(res.tempFilePaths[0], res => {
+						console.log('返回的结果',res)
+						let data = res.data
+						data = JSON.parse(data)
+						console.log(data)
+						var url=data.data;
+						console.log(url);
+						if (this.imgList.length !== 0) {
+							this.imgList = this.imgList.concat(data.data)
+						} else {
+							this.imgList = [data.data]
+						}
+						//this.userInfo.report_image.push(url)
+						this.$set(this.userInfo,"imgurl",url)
+						uni.hideLoading()
+					})
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		DelImg(e) {
+			uni.showModal({
+				title: '图片删除',
+				content: '确定要删除图片吗?',
+				cancelText: '取消',
+				confirmText: '确认',
+				success: res => {
+					console.log(res)
+					if (res.confirm) {
+						/* this.infoList.product_images.splice(e.currentTarget.dataset.index, 1);
+						this.imgList.splice(e.currentTarget.dataset.index, 1); */
+						this.imgList.splice(e.currentTarget.dataset.index, 1)
+					}
+				}
+			})
+		},
+		ViewImage(index) {
+		    uni.previewImage({
+		    	urls: this.imgList,
+		    	current: e.currentTarget.dataset.url
+		    });
+		},
+		toNextPage() {
+        console.log("判断登录");
+        //判断有没有登录,没有登录直接跳到登录,登录了 跳到任务详情
+        let username = wx.getStorageSync("username");
+        if (username == "") {
+          //没有登录
+          console.log("没有登录");
+          //跳入登录
+          uni.navigateTo({
+            url: "/pages/login/index"
+          });
+        } else {
+			console.log("已登录")
+          /* let role = uni.getStorageSync("role");
+           console.log(index)
+          if (index == 2 ) { //抽样人员的角色id
+            //表示点了抽样单位且角色是抽样单位
+              if(role === '85f63893de834bb898edc01cfd2cc46c'){
+                  //检测机构人员
+                  uni.navigateTo({
+                      url: "/pages/sample-check-list/home"
+                  });
+              } else if(role === "f35551e4a06647dea5c2c43aaba22c2a"){
+                  uni.navigateTo({
+                      url: "/pages/task-list/index"
+                  });
+              }else{
+                  uni.showToast({
+                      icon: 'error',
+                      title: "当前角色不可查看",
+                      duration: 1500
+                  })
+              }
+          }
+          if (index == 0 && role == "a1cbf841b0514b47bbdd3f50c80b729f") { //快检站的角色
+            //表示点了检测单位且角色是检测单位
+            uni.navigateTo({
+              url: "/pages/quick-task/list"
+            });
+          } 
+		  if (index == 1) {
+              // && role == "a1cbf841b0514b47bbdd3f50c80b729f"
+			uni.navigateTo({
+			  url: "/pages/quick-task/quick-list"
+			});
+		  } */
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  };
+    .page {
+        height: 100vh;
+    }
+    .footer {
+        position: fixed;
+        text-align: center;
+        line-height: 40px;
+        margin-bottom: 2px;
+        bottom: 10vh;
+        width: 100%;
+        font-size: 12px;
+    }
+    .footer view {
+        line-height: 22px;
+    }