import pandas as pd import numpy as np # 这里写所有表格的判断规则 按顺序每个表格一个函数 方便后续修改 pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 1000) pd.set_option('display.width', 1000) pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 1000) # 表1 土壤容重机械组成数据 为了方便做具体修改 def soil_bulk_density(arr): #arr为计算过的数组 # (1)土壤容重不在[0.8, 1.6]范围以内的,存疑 shenHeList=[] # 定义一个数组存放容重存疑的数据 shenHeTarget = [] # 存放每条数据 有问题的指标 try: for i in arr['土壤容重平均值(g/cm3)(计算)']: if i > 1.6 or i < 0.8: shenHeList.append('土壤容重:超阈值。') shenHeTarget.append('土壤容重平均值。') else: shenHeList.append('') shenHeTarget.append('') except Exception as err: print('土壤容重判断出错!请检查soil_bulk_density中判断土壤容重内容',err) # (2)土壤利用类型→耕地、园地→相对极差>15 %,存疑;土壤利用类型→林地、草地→相对极差>20 %,存疑 tRTypeList = [] # 定义一个数组存放土壤利用类型存疑的数据 tRTypeTarget= [] # 定义一个数组存放土壤利用类型存疑的数据指标名称 try: for i in arr['相对极差(%)']: if i > 15 and arr.loc[arr['相对极差(%)'] == i, '土地利用类型'].iloc[0] == '耕地园地': tRTypeList.append('存疑:耕地园地相对极差>15%。') tRTypeTarget.append('耕地园地极差。') elif i > 20 and arr.loc[arr['相对极差(%)'] == i, '土地利用类型'].iloc[0] == '林地草地': tRTypeList.append('存疑:林地草地相对极差>20%。') tRTypeTarget.append('林地草地极差。') else: tRTypeList.append('') tRTypeTarget.append('') except Exception as err: print('相对极差判断、土壤利用类型判断出错!请检查soil_bulk_density中判断相对极差判断、土壤利用类型内容',err) # (3)加和不在[99.98, 100.02]范围内的,存疑 plusShenHeList = [] # 定义一个数组存放加和存疑的数据 plusShenHeTarget = [] # 保存土壤颗粒加和存疑的指标 try: for i in arr['加和%']: if float(i) > 100.02 or float(i) < 99.98: plusShenHeList.append('土壤颗粒加和:超阈值。') plusShenHeTarget.append('土壤颗粒含量加和。') else: plusShenHeList.append('') plusShenHeTarget.append('') except Exception as err: print('颗粒含量加和判断出错!请检查soil_bulk_density中判断颗粒含量加和内容',err) # 根据国际土壤质地类型三角形编程实现对质地的分类→判断质地分类和质地名称是否正确 # 判断土壤类型逻辑: soilList = [] # 定义一个数组存放土地类型的数据 soilContent = [] soilContentTarget = [] # 存放土壤质地异常的指标名称 xSLErr = [] # 存放ph>7 洗失量为空的异常数据 xSLTarget = [] # 存放异常数据 指标名称 try: # 按行循环读取所有数据 for index, row in arr.iterrows(): # 1.将0.02-0.2,0.2-2两列加起来 plusSoil = row['0.2-0.02mm颗粒含量%'] + row['2-0.2mm颗粒含量%'] small_002_list = row['0.02-0.002mm颗粒含量%'] small_0002_list = row['0.002mm以下颗粒含量%'] if np.isnan(plusSoil) or np.isnan(small_002_list) or np.isnan(small_0002_list): soilList.append('') # 具体判断 这里为了方便看 减少了嵌套逻辑 elif small_0002_list >=65 and small_0002_list <100: # 2. <0.002含量 65-100 ->重黏土 soilList.append('重黏土') elif small_0002_list >= 45 and small_0002_list <65: # 3.<0.002含量 45-65 ->黏土 soilList.append('黏土') elif small_0002_list >= 25 and small_0002_list <45 and small_002_list >= 45 and small_002_list <75: # 4. <0.002含量 25-45 and 0.002-0.02含量 45-75 -> 粉(砂)质黏土 soilList.append('粉(砂)质黏土') elif small_0002_list >= 25 and small_0002_list<45 and small_002_list>=0 and small_002_list<45 and plusSoil>=10 and plusSoil <55: # 5. <0.002含量 25-45 and 0.002-0.02含量 0-45 and 0.02-2含量 10-55-> 壤质黏土 soilList.append('壤质黏土') elif small_0002_list >= 25 and small_0002_list<45 and small_002_list>=0 and small_002_list<20 and plusSoil>=55 and plusSoil <75:# 6. <0.002含量 25-45 and 0.002-0.02含量 0-20 and 0.02-2含量 55-75-> 砂质黏土 soilList.append('砂质黏土') elif small_0002_list >= 15 and small_0002_list<25 and small_002_list>=45 and small_002_list<85: # 7.<0.002含量 15-25 and 0.002-0.02含量 45-85 -> 粉(砂)质黏壤土 soilList.append('粉(砂)质黏壤土') elif small_0002_list >= 15 and small_0002_list<25 and small_002_list>=20 and small_002_list<45 and plusSoil>=30 and plusSoil <55:# 8.<0.002含量 15-25 and 0.002-0.02含量 20-45 and 0.02-2含量 30-55-> 黏壤土 soilList.append('黏壤土') elif small_0002_list >= 15 and small_0002_list<25 and small_002_list>=0 and small_002_list<30 and plusSoil>=55 and plusSoil <85:# 9.<0.002含量 15-25 and 0.002-0.02含量 0-30 and 0.02-2含量 55-85-> 砂质黏壤土 soilList.append('砂质黏壤土') elif small_0002_list >= 0 and small_0002_list<15 and small_002_list>=45 and small_002_list<100:#10.<0.002含量 0-15 and 0.002-0.02含量 45-100 ->粉(砂)质壤土 soilList.append('粉(砂)质壤土') elif small_0002_list >= 0 and small_0002_list<15 and small_002_list>=30 and small_002_list<45 and plusSoil>=40 and plusSoil <55: # 11.<0.002含量 0-15 and 0.002-0.02含量 30-45 and 0.02-2含量 40-55-> 壤土 soilList.append('壤土') elif small_0002_list >= 0 and small_0002_list<15 and small_002_list>=0 and small_002_list<45 and plusSoil>=55 and plusSoil <85: # 12.<0.002含量 0-15 and 0.002-0.02含量 0-45 and 0.02-2含量 55-85-> 砂质壤土 soilList.append('砂质壤土') elif small_0002_list >= 0 and small_0002_list<15 and small_002_list>=0 and small_002_list<15 and plusSoil>=85 and plusSoil <100: # 13.<0.002含量 0-15 and 0.002-0.02含量 0-15 and 0.02-2含量 85-100-> 砂土及壤质砂土 soilList.append('砂土及壤质砂土') else: soilList.append('') # 除所有情况外 还有空值 # 比较和原有数据是否一致 arr['土壤类型(判断)'] = soilList for index, row in arr.iterrows(): if (row['土壤类型(判断)'] != row['土壤质地']) and (not pd.isna(row['土壤质地'])): soilContent.append('存疑:土壤质地不一致') soilContentTarget.append('土壤质地。') else: soilContent.append('') soilContentTarget.append('') # 如果pH>7,则洗失量数据不能为空; if (not pd.isna(row['pH']) and row['pH'] > 7 and pd.isna(row['洗失量(吸管法需填)%'])): xSLErr.append('洗失量:ph>7但洗失量未检测。') xSLTarget.append('洗失量。') else: xSLErr.append('') xSLTarget.append('') except Exception as err: print('土壤类型判断出错!请检查soil_bulk_density中判断土壤类型内容', err) # 把存疑数据组合并返回 # print('shenHeList--',shenHeList,len(shenHeList)) # print('plusShenHeList--', plusShenHeList, len(plusShenHeList)) # print('tRTypeList--', tRTypeList, len(tRTypeList)) # print('soilContent--', soilContent, len(soilContent)) # print('soilList--', soilList, len(soilList)) pdData = pd.DataFrame({ '审核结果': pd.Series(shenHeList) + pd.Series(tRTypeList) + pd.Series(plusShenHeList) + pd.Series(soilContent) + pd.Series(xSLErr), '土壤类型(判断)': soilList, '异常指标': pd.Series(shenHeTarget) + pd.Series(tRTypeTarget) + pd.Series(plusShenHeTarget) + pd.Series(soilContentTarget) + pd.Series(xSLTarget), }) return pdData # 这是一个判断范围的函数 如果需要修改范围 修改start end值就行 def is_not_in_range(value): return value <30 or value > 90 def is_than_five(value): return value < 1 or value > 10 # 表3 水稳性大团聚体规则判断函数 def water_stable(arr): # (1)不在[30, 90]范围以内的,存疑 shenHeList = [] # 定义一个数组存放团聚体存疑的数据 shenHeTar = [] # 存放水稳异常指标 # (2)总和超过90,存疑;耕地和园地>80,提示关注;林地和草地>90,提示关注 plusList = [] plusTar = [] # 水稳总和异常指标名称 soilType = [] # (3)>5mm指标占比超过10 %,存疑,应回溯 rateList = [] rateTar = [] # >5mm占比异常指标 try: for index, row in arr.iterrows(): # 规则1判断 先判断值是否存在 if (not pd.isna(row['>5mm%']) and is_than_five(row['>5mm%'])) or ( not pd.isna(row['3-5mm%']) and is_not_in_range(row['3-5mm%'])) or ( not pd.isna(row['2-3mm%']) and is_not_in_range(row['2-3mm%'])) or ( not pd.isna(row['1-2mm%']) and is_not_in_range(row['1-2mm%'])) or ( not pd.isna(row['0.5-1mm%']) and is_not_in_range(row['0.5-1mm%'])) or ( not pd.isna(row['0.25-0.5mm%']) and is_not_in_range(row['0.25-0.5mm%'])): shenHeList.append('团聚体百分比:超阈值。') shenHeTar.append('水稳分项指标。') else: shenHeList.append('') shenHeTar.append('') # 规则2判断 if row['总和(%)'] > 70 or row['总和(%)'] <10: plusList.append('水稳性大团聚体总和:超阈值。') plusTar.append('水稳性大团聚体总和。') else: plusList.append('') plusTar.append('') if (row['土地利用类型'] == '耕地园地' and row['总和(%)'] > 80) or (row['土地利用类型'] == '林地草地' and row['总和(%)'] > 90): soilType.append('关注:耕地园地团聚体总和大于80或林地草地团聚体总和大于90。') else: soilType.append('') if row['>5mm%'] > 10: rateList.append('存疑:>5mm占比超过10%应回溯。') rateTar.append('水稳>5mm。') else: rateList.append('') rateTar.append('') resData = pd.DataFrame({ '审核结果': pd.Series(shenHeList) + pd.Series(plusList) + pd.Series(soilType) + pd.Series(rateList), '异常指标': pd.Series(shenHeTar) + pd.Series(plusTar) + pd.Series(rateTar), }) return resData except Exception as err: print('大团聚体判断出错!请检查water_stable中判断大团聚体内容', err) # 表5 pH、阳离子交换量、交换性盐基基础数据判断 # 判断土壤类型和阳离子交换量 盐基饱和度的范围 def soilTypeValue(row): # 传入一行数据 strValue = row['土壤类型'] soilType = '' if isinstance(strValue, str): # print('type---', strValue.split('_')) # print('strValue',strValue) if len(strValue.split('_')) > 1: soilType = strValue.split('_')[1] # 获取到土壤类型 cationChange = row['阳离子交换量Cmol(+)/kg'] # 获取到阳离子交换量 bHValue = (row['交换性盐总量Cmol(+)/kg']/row['阳离子交换量Cmol(+)/kg'] )*100# 计算出的盐基饱和度 # 判断三者范围是否合理 res = '' if soilType == '黄红壤': if pd.isna(cationChange) and (cationChange > 10 and cationChange<24) and pd.isna(bHValue) and (bHValue > 30 and bHValue<50): res = '' else: res = '存疑:该土壤类型的阳离子交换量或盐基饱和度范围存疑。' elif soilType == '棕红壤': if pd.isna(cationChange) and (cationChange > 6 and cationChange < 15) and pd.isna(bHValue) and ( bHValue > 25 and bHValue < 70): res = '' else: res = '存疑:该土壤类型的阳离子交换量或盐基饱和度范围存疑。' elif soilType == '红壤性土': if pd.isna(cationChange) and (cationChange > 5 and cationChange < 15) and pd.isna(bHValue) and ( bHValue > 10 and bHValue < 50): res = '' else: res = '存疑:该土壤类型的阳离子交换量或盐基饱和度范围存疑。' elif soilType == '典型黄壤': if pd.isna(cationChange) and (cationChange > 5 and cationChange < 15) and pd.isna(bHValue) and ( bHValue < 30): res = '' else: res = '该土壤类型的阳离子交换量或盐基饱和度范围存疑。' elif soilType == '黄壤性土': if pd.isna(cationChange) and (cationChange > 10 and cationChange < 18) and pd.isna(bHValue) and ( bHValue < 45): res = '' else: res = '存疑:该土壤类型的阳离子交换量或盐基饱和度范围存疑。' elif soilType == '典型黄棕壤' or soilType == '暗黄棕壤' or soilType == '黄棕壤性土': if pd.isna(cationChange) and (cationChange > 8 and cationChange < 22) and pd.isna(bHValue) and ( bHValue > 30 and bHValue < 60): res = '' else: res = '存疑:该土壤类型的阳离子交换量或盐基饱和度范围存疑。' elif soilType == '典型黄褐土' or soilType == '黏盘黄褐土' or soilType == '粘盘黄褐土' or soilType == '粘盘黄褐土' or soilType=='白浆化黄褐土' or soilType=='黄褐土性土': if pd.isna(cationChange) and (cationChange > 15 and cationChange < 25) and pd.isna(bHValue) and ( bHValue > 60 and bHValue < 85): res = '' else: res = '存疑:该土壤类型的阳离子交换量或盐基饱和度范围存疑。' elif soilType == '粘盘黄褐土': if pd.isna(cationChange) and (cationChange > 10 and cationChange < 30) and pd.isna(bHValue) and ( bHValue > 75 and bHValue < 95): res = '' else: res = '存疑:该土壤类型的阳离子交换量或盐基饱和度范围存疑。' elif soilType == '典型棕壤' or soilType == '白浆化棕壤' or soilType == '潮棕壤' or soilType == '棕壤性土' or soilType == '棕壤性土': if pd.isna(cationChange) and (cationChange > 5 and cationChange < 20) and pd.isna(bHValue) and ( cationChange > 25 and cationChange < 65): res = '' else: res = '存疑:该土壤类型的阳离子交换量或盐基饱和度范围存疑。' elif soilType == '典型山地草甸土' or soilType == '山地草原草甸土' or soilType == '山地灌丛草甸土': if pd.isna(cationChange) and (cationChange > 10 and cationChange < 20) and pd.isna(bHValue) and ( bHValue > 15 and bHValue < 30): res = '' else: res = '存疑:该土壤类型的阳离子交换量或盐基饱和度范围存疑。' elif soilType == '酸性紫色土' or soilType == '中性紫色土' or soilType == '石灰性紫色土': if pd.isna(cationChange) and (cationChange > 10 and cationChange < 20) and pd.isna(bHValue) and ( bHValue > 50 and bHValue < 70): res = '' else: res = '存疑:该土壤类型的阳离子交换量或盐基饱和度范围存疑。' elif soilType == '红色石灰土' or soilType == '黑色石灰土' or soilType == '棕色石灰土' or soilType == '黄色石灰土' : if pd.isna(cationChange) and (cationChange > 15 and cationChange < 30) and pd.isna(bHValue) and ( bHValue > 70 and bHValue < 100): res = '' else: res = '存疑:该土壤类型的阳离子交换量或盐基饱和度范围存疑。' elif soilType == '酸性石质土' or soilType == '中性石质土' or soilType == '钙质石质土' or soilType == '含盐石质土': if pd.isna(cationChange) and (cationChange > 10 and cationChange < 15) and pd.isna(bHValue) and ( bHValue > 45 and bHValue < 65): res = '' else: res = '存疑:该土壤类型的阳离子交换量或盐基饱和度范围存疑。' elif soilType == '酸性粗骨土' or soilType == '中性粗骨土' or soilType == '钙质粗骨土' or soilType == '硅质盐粗骨土': if pd.isna(cationChange) and (cationChange > 5 and cationChange < 15) and pd.isna(bHValue) and ( bHValue > 20 and bHValue < 50): res = '' else: res = '存疑:该土壤类型的阳离子交换量或盐基饱和度范围存疑。' elif soilType == '典型潮土' or soilType == '灰潮土' or soilType == '脱潮土' or soilType == '湿潮土' or soilType == '盐化潮土' or soilType == '碱化潮土' or soilType == '灌於潮土': if pd.isna(cationChange) and (cationChange > 10 and cationChange < 30) and pd.isna(bHValue) and ( bHValue > 70 and bHValue < 100): res = '' else: res = '存疑:该土壤类型的阳离子交换量或盐基饱和度范围存疑。' elif soilType == '典型砂姜黑土' or soilType == '石灰性砂姜黑土' or soilType == '盐化砂姜黑土' or soilType == '碱化砂姜黑土' or soilType == '黑粘土': if pd.isna(cationChange) and (cationChange > 18 and cationChange < 35) and pd.isna(bHValue) and ( bHValue > 90 and bHValue < 100): res = '' else: res = '存疑:该土壤类型的阳离子交换量或盐基饱和度范围存疑。' elif soilType == '淹育水稻土': if pd.isna(cationChange) and (cationChange > 20 and cationChange < 30) and pd.isna(bHValue) and ( bHValue > 85 and bHValue < 90): res = '' else: res = '存疑:该土壤类型的阳离子交换量或盐基饱和度范围存疑。' elif soilType == '潴育水稻土': if pd.isna(cationChange) and (cationChange > 12 and cationChange < 20) and pd.isna(bHValue) and ( bHValue > 60 and bHValue < 80): res = '' else: res = '存疑:该土壤类型的阳离子交换量或盐基饱和度范围存疑。' elif soilType == '潜育水稻土': if pd.isna(cationChange) and (cationChange > 15 and cationChange < 25) and pd.isna(bHValue) and ( bHValue > 75 and bHValue < 90): res = '' else: res = '存疑:该土壤类型的阳离子交换量或盐基饱和度范围存疑。' elif soilType == '漂洗水稻土': if pd.isna(cationChange) and (cationChange > 10 and cationChange < 20) and pd.isna(bHValue) and ( bHValue > 65 and bHValue < 80): res = '' else: res = '存疑:该土壤类型的阳离子交换量或盐基饱和度范围存疑。' return res def cation_value(arr): phList = [] # 保存ph存疑数据 cationList = [] # 保存阳离子存疑数据 exchangeableSalt = [] # 保存交换性盐基总量存疑数据 exchangeableCa = [] # 保存交换性钙总量存疑数据 exchangeableMg = [] # 保存交换性镁总量存疑数据 exchangeableK = [] # 保存交换性钾总量存疑数据 exchangeableNa = [] # 保存交换性钠总量存疑数据 summaryList = [] # 保存ph 离子和 盐基饱和度范围存疑数据 soilTypeList = [] # 保存土壤类型 阳离子交换量cmol(+)/kg 和盐基饱和度范围存疑数据 waterMount = [] # 保存含水量存疑数据 含水量应小于10% phTar = [] # 保存ph异常指标 cationTar = [] # 保存阳离子异常指标 exchangeableSaltTar = [] # 保存交换性盐基总量异常指标 exchangeableCaTar = [] # 保存交换性钙异常指标 exchangeableMgTar = [] # 保存交换性镁异常指标 exchangeableKTar = [] # 保存交换性钾异常指标 exchangeableNaTar = [] # 保存交换性钠异常指标 summaryListTar = [] # 保存ph 离子和 盐基饱和度异常指标 soilTypeListTar = [] # 保存土壤类型 阳离子交换量cmol(+)/kg 和盐基饱和度异常数据 waterMountTar = [] # 保存含水量异常指标 try: for index, row in arr.iterrows(): # 风干样含水量 0.5-5,存疑 if pd.isna(row['含水量']) or row['含水量'] > 5 or row['含水量'] < 0.5: waterMount.append('风干试样含水量(分析基):超阈值。') waterMountTar.append('风干试样含水量(分析基)。') else: waterMount.append('') waterMountTar.append('') # (1)pH在[4, 9]范围之外的,存疑; if pd.isna(row['pH']) or row['pH'] < 4 or row['pH'] > 9: phList.append('pH:超阈值。') phTar.append('pH。') else: phList.append('') phTar.append('') # (2)阳离子交换量在[6, 38]范围之外的,存疑; if row['阳离子交换量Cmol(+)/kg'] < 6 or row['阳离子交换量Cmol(+)/kg'] > 38: cationList.append('阳离子交换量:超阈值。') cationTar.append('阳离子交换量。') else: cationList.append('') cationTar.append('') # (3)交换性盐基总量在[3, 30]范围之外的,存疑; if row['交换性盐总量Cmol(+)/kg'] <3 or row['交换性盐总量Cmol(+)/kg'] > 30: exchangeableSalt.append('交换性盐基总量:超阈值。') exchangeableSaltTar.append('交换性盐总量。') else: exchangeableSalt.append('') exchangeableSaltTar.append('') # (4)交换性钙在[1, 25]范围之外的,存疑; if row['交换性钙Cmol(1/2Ca2+)/kg'] < 1 or row['交换性钙Cmol(1/2Ca2+)/kg'] > 25: exchangeableCa.append('交换性钙:交换性钙超阈值。') exchangeableCaTar.append('交换性钙。') else: exchangeableCa.append('') exchangeableCaTar.append('') # (5)交换性镁在[0.5, 12.5]范围之外的,存疑; if row['交换性镁cmol(1/2Mg2+)/kg'] < 0.5 or row['交换性镁cmol(1/2Mg2+)/kg'] > 12.8: exchangeableMg.append('交换性镁:超阈值。') exchangeableMgTar.append('交换性镁。') else: exchangeableMg.append('') exchangeableMgTar.append('') # (6)交换性钾在[0.1, 1.5]范围之外的,存疑; if row['交换性钾Cmol(+)/kg'] < 0.1 or row['交换性钾Cmol(+)/kg'] > 1.5: exchangeableK.append('交换性钾:超阈值。') exchangeableKTar.append('交换性钾。') else: exchangeableK.append('') exchangeableKTar.append('') # (7)交换性钠在[0.3, 1.9]范围之外的,存疑; if row['交换性钠cmol(+)/kg'] < 0.3 or row['交换性钠cmol(+)/kg'] > 1.9: exchangeableNa.append('交换性钠:超阈值。') exchangeableNaTar.append('交换性钠。') else: exchangeableNa.append('') exchangeableNaTar.append('') # (8)pH<7.5,阳离子交换量>交换性盐总量>四大离子之和,且盐基饱和度小于100 %;违反则存疑;pH≥7.5,交换性盐总量 = 四大离子之和,盐基饱和度范围在80~120 %;违反则存疑; if ((not pd.isna(row['pH']) and row['pH']<7.5 and row['阳离子交换量Cmol(+)/kg']>row['交换性盐总量Cmol(+)/kg']>row['四大离子之和'] and row['盐基饱和度%']*100 <80 ) or ((not pd.isna(row['pH']) and row['pH']>=7.5 and row['交换性盐总量Cmol(+)/kg']==row['四大离子之和'] and (row['盐基饱和度%'] <120 and row['盐基饱和度%'] >80 ))) or ((not pd.isna(row['pH']) and row['pH']<6 and row['盐基饱和度%'] >80)) ): summaryList.append('') summaryListTar.append('') else: summaryList.append('存疑:ph值、阳离子交换量、交换性盐总量、离子总和、盐基饱和度之间关系存疑。') summaryListTar.append('盐基饱和度。') soilRes = soilTypeValue(row) soilTypeList.append(soilRes) # print('pd.Series(phList)',pd.Series(phList) + pd.Series(cationList)+pd.Series(exchangeableSalt)) # print('pd.Series(cationList)', pd.Series(exchangeableSalt)) # print('res---', pd.Series(phList)+pd.Series(cationList)+pd.Series(exchangeableSalt)+pd.Series(exchangeableCa)+pd.Series(exchangeableMg)+pd.Series(exchangeableK)+pd.Series(exchangeableNa)+pd.Series(summaryList)) checkData = pd.DataFrame({ '审核结果': pd.Series(phList)+pd.Series(cationList)+pd.Series(exchangeableSalt)+pd.Series(exchangeableCa)+pd.Series(exchangeableMg)+pd.Series(exchangeableK)+pd.Series(exchangeableNa)+pd.Series(summaryList)+pd.Series(soilTypeList)+pd.Series(waterMount), '异常指标': pd.Series(phTar)+pd.Series(cationTar)+pd.Series(exchangeableSaltTar)+pd.Series(exchangeableCaTar)+pd.Series(exchangeableMgTar)+pd.Series(exchangeableKTar)+pd.Series(exchangeableNaTar)+pd.Series(summaryListTar)+pd.Series(waterMountTar) }) return checkData except Exception as err: print('阳离子量判断出错!请检查cation_value中判断阳离子量内容', err) # 表8 8大离子基础数据判断 def eight_ion_coun(arr, summary): try: allArr = [] # 存储水溶性盐总量存疑数据 conductivity = [] # 存储电导率存疑数据 naArr = [] # 存储钠离子存疑数据 kArr = [] # 存储钾离子存疑数据 caArr = [] # 存储钙离子存疑数据 mgArr = [] # 存储镁离子存疑数据 coArr = [] # 存储碳酸根离子存疑数据 cohArr = [] # 存储碳酸氢根离子存疑数据 soArr = [] # 存储硫酸根离子存疑数据 clArr = [] # 氯离子存疑数据 totalCom = [] # 全盐量小于八大离子和存疑数据 phCoArr = [] # ph 碳酸根存疑数据 changeComArr = [] #交换性离子高于水溶性离子存疑数据 rateArr = [] # (水溶性全盐量-八大离子加和)/八大离子加和×100 存疑数据 subtractionArr=[] #阳离子-阴离子 不在范围内 # 存放异常指标 allArrTar = [] # 存储水溶性盐总量异常指标 conductivityTar = [] # 存储电导率异常指标 naArrTar = [] # 存储钠离子异常指标 kArrTar = [] # 存储钾离子异常指标 caArrTar = [] # 存储钙离子异常指标 mgArrTar = [] # 存储镁离子异常指标 coArrTar = [] # 存储碳酸根离子异常指标 cohArrTar = [] # 存储碳酸氢根离子异常指标 soArrTar = [] # 存储硫酸根离子异常指标 clArrTar = [] # 氯离子异常指标 totalComTar = [] # 全盐量小于八大离子和异常指标 phCoArrTar = [] # ph 碳酸根异常指标 changeComArrTar = [] # 交换性离子高于水溶性离子异常指标 rateArrTar = [] # (水溶性全盐量-八大离子加和)/八大离子加和×100 异常指标 subtractionArrTar = [] # 阳离子-阴离子 异常指标 #(2)水溶性盐总量在[0.1, 2]范围之外的,存疑; for index, row in arr.iterrows(): if (not pd.isna(row['水溶性全盐量g/kg']) and row['水溶性全盐量g/kg'] < 0.1) or (not pd.isna(row['水溶性全盐量g/kg']) and row['水溶性全盐量g/kg'] > 2): allArr.append('全盐量:超阈值。') allArrTar.append('全盐量。') else: allArr.append('') allArrTar.append('') #(3)电导率在[0.01, 2]范围之外的,存疑; if ( not pd.isna(row['电导率ms/cm']) and row['电导率ms/cm'] < 0.01) or (not pd.isna(row['电导率ms/cm']) and row['电导率ms/cm'] > 2): conductivity.append('电导率:超阈值。') conductivityTar.append('电导率。') else: conductivity.append('') conductivityTar.append('电导率') #(4)水溶性钠在[0.05, 0.5]范围之外的,存疑; if (not pd.isna(row['水溶性钠离子含量Cmol(Na+)/kg']) and row['水溶性钠离子含量Cmol(Na+)/kg'] <0.05) or (pd.isna(row['水溶性钠离子含量Cmol(Na+)/kg']) and row['水溶性钠离子含量Cmol(Na+)/kg'] > 0.5): naArr.append('水溶性钠离子:水溶性钠离子超阈值。') naArrTar.append('水溶性钠离子。') else: naArr.append('') naArrTar.append('') #(5)水溶性钾在[0.01, 0.5]范围之外的,存疑; if (not pd.isna(row['水溶性钾离子含量Cmol(K+)/kg']) and row['水溶性钾离子含量Cmol(K+)/kg'] <0.01) or ( not pd.isna(row['水溶性钾离子含量Cmol(K+)/kg']) and row['水溶性钾离子含量Cmol(K+)/kg'] > 0.5): kArr.append('水溶性钾离子:超阈值。') kArrTar.append('水溶性钾离子。') else: kArr.append('') kArrTar.append('') #(6)水溶性钙在[0.25, 5]范围之外的,存疑; if (not pd.isna(row['水溶性钙离子含量cmol(1/2Ca2+)/kg']) and row['水溶性钙离子含量cmol(1/2Ca2+)/kg'] <0.25) or (not pd.isna(row['水溶性钙离子含量cmol(1/2Ca2+)/kg']) and row['水溶性钙离子含量cmol(1/2Ca2+)/kg'] > 0.5): caArr.append('水溶性钙离子:超阈值。') caArrTar.append('水溶性钙离子。') else: caArr.append('') caArrTar.append('') #(7)水溶性镁在[0.125, 2.5]范围之外的,存疑; if (not pd.isna(row['水溶性镁离子Cmol(1/2Mg2+)/kg']) and row['水溶性镁离子Cmol(1/2Mg2+)/kg'] <0.125) or (not pd.isna(row['水溶性镁离子Cmol(1/2Mg2+)/kg']) and row['水溶性镁离子Cmol(1/2Mg2+)/kg'] > 2.5): mgArr.append('水溶性镁离子:超阈值。') mgArrTar.append('水溶性镁离子。') else: mgArr.append('') mgArrTar.append('') #(8)水溶性碳酸根在[0.01, 2.5]范围之外的,存疑; if (not pd.isna(row['水溶性碳酸根离子含量cmol(1/2CO32+)/kg']) and row['水溶性碳酸根离子含量cmol(1/2CO32+)/kg'] <0.01) or (not pd.isna(row['水溶性碳酸根离子含量cmol(1/2CO32+)/kg']) and row['水溶性碳酸根离子含量cmol(1/2CO32+)/kg'] > 2.5): coArr.append('水溶性碳酸根:超阈值。') coArrTar.append('水溶性碳酸根。') else: coArr.append('') coArrTar.append('') #(9)水溶性碳酸氢根在[0.05, 5]范围之外的,存疑; if (not pd.isna(row['水溶性碳酸氢离子含量cmol(1/2HCO3-)/kg']) and row['水溶性碳酸氢离子含量cmol(1/2HCO3-)/kg'] <0.05) or (not pd.isna(row['水溶性碳酸氢离子含量cmol(1/2HCO3-)/kg']) and row['水溶性碳酸氢离子含量cmol(1/2HCO3-)/kg'] > 5): cohArr.append('水溶性碳酸氢根:超阈值。') cohArrTar.append('水溶性碳酸氢根。') else: cohArr.append('') cohArrTar.append('') #(10)水溶性硫酸根在[0.25, 2.5]范围之外的,存疑; if (not pd.isna(row['水溶性硫酸根离子含量cmol(1/2SO42-)/kg']) and row['水溶性硫酸根离子含量cmol(1/2SO42-)/kg'] <0.25) or (not pd.isna(row['水溶性硫酸根离子含量cmol(1/2SO42-)/kg']) and row['水溶性硫酸根离子含量cmol(1/2SO42-)/kg'] > 2.5): soArr.append('水溶性硫酸根:超阈值。') soArrTar.append('水溶性硫酸根。') else: soArr.append('') soArrTar.append('') #(11)水溶性氯根在[0.5, 5]范围之外的,存疑; if (not pd.isna(row['水溶性氯离子含量cmol(Cl-)/kg']) and row['水溶性氯离子含量cmol(Cl-)/kg'] <0.5) or (not pd.isna(row['水溶性氯离子含量cmol(Cl-)/kg']) and row['水溶性氯离子含量cmol(Cl-)/kg'] > 5): clArr.append('水溶性氯根:超阈值。') clArrTar.append('水溶性氯根。') else: clArr.append('') clArrTar.append('') #(12)水溶性盐总量大于等于八大离子之和,违背则存疑;土地利用类型为菜地的,可能不符合这个规律; if (not pd.isna( row['水溶性全盐量g/kg']) and not pd.isna(row['八大离子加和g/kg']) and row['水溶性全盐量g/kg'] < row['八大离子加和g/kg']): totalCom.append('存疑:水溶性全盐量小于八大离子之和。') totalComTar.append('水溶性全盐量。') else: totalCom.append('') totalComTar.append('') #(13)水溶性八大离子换算为g / kg,如水溶性钠离子g / kg = 水溶性钠离子cmol(Na +) / kg×23g / mol×10 - 2; 这里在计算离子和时已转换 #(14)pH<8,碳酸根基本为0 if row['pH'] <8 and not pd.isna(row['水溶性碳酸根离子含量cmol(1/2CO32+)/kg']) and row['水溶性碳酸根离子含量cmol(1/2CO32+)/kg'] == 0: phCoArr.append('水溶性碳酸根:pH<8且水溶性碳酸根为0。') phCoArrTar.append('水溶性碳酸根。') else: phCoArr.append('') phCoArrTar.append('') #(15)交换性四大盐离子均要高于水溶性四大盐离子(钙镁钾钠) naBool = not pd.isna(row['水溶性钠离子含量Cmol(Na+)/kg']) kBool = not pd.isna(row['水溶性钾离子含量Cmol(K+)/kg']) caBool = not pd.isna(row['水溶性钙离子含量cmol(1/2Ca2+)/kg']) mgBool = not pd.isna(row['水溶性镁离子Cmol(1/2Mg2+)/kg']) sumNa = not pd.isna(summary.loc[index,'交换性钠']) sumK = not pd.isna(summary.loc[index, '交换性钾']) sumCa = not pd.isna(summary.loc[index, '交换性钙']) sumMg = not pd.isna(summary.loc[index, '交换性镁']) if (naBool and sumNa and row['水溶性钠离子含量Cmol(Na+)/kg']>summary.loc[index,'交换性钠']) or ( kBool and sumK and row['水溶性钾离子含量Cmol(K+)/kg']>summary.loc[index,'交换性钾']) or ( caBool and sumCa and row['水溶性钙离子含量cmol(1/2Ca2+)/kg']>summary.loc[index,'交换性钙']) or ( mgBool and sumMg and row['水溶性镁离子Cmol(1/2Mg2+)/kg']>summary.loc[index,'交换性镁']): changeComArr.append('存疑:交换性盐基总量低于于水溶性盐离子。') else: changeComArr.append('') #(16)(水溶性全盐量 - 八大离子加和) / 八大离子加和 * 100,不超过±20 % if not pd.isna(row['(水溶性全盐量-八大离子加和)/水溶性全盐量×100']) and (row['(水溶性全盐量-八大离子加和)/水溶性全盐量×100'] < -0.2 or row['(水溶性全盐量-八大离子加和)/水溶性全盐量×100'] > 0.2) : rateArr.append('存疑:(水溶性全盐量-八大离子加和)/水溶性全盐量×100超阈值。') else: rateArr.append('') #(17)阳离子总量 - 阴离子总量应基本相等,超过±1则提示异常 if not pd.isna(row['阳离子总量-阴离子总量']) and (row['阳离子总量-阴离子总量'] < -1 or row['阳离子总量-阴离子总量'] > 1) : subtractionArr.append('存疑:阳离子总量 - 阴离子总量超阈值。') else: subtractionArr.append('') resData = pd.DataFrame({ '审核结果': pd.Series(allArr) + pd.Series(conductivity) + pd.Series(naArr) + pd.Series(kArr) + pd.Series(caArr) + pd.Series(mgArr) + pd.Series(coArr) + pd.Series( cohArr) + pd.Series(soArr) + pd.Series(clArr) + pd.Series(totalCom) + pd.Series( phCoArr) + pd.Series(changeComArr) + pd.Series(rateArr) + pd.Series(subtractionArr), '异常指标': pd.Series(allArrTar) + pd.Series(conductivityTar) + pd.Series(naArrTar) + pd.Series(kArrTar) + pd.Series(caArrTar) + pd.Series(mgArrTar) + pd.Series(coArrTar) + pd.Series( cohArrTar) + pd.Series(soArrTar) + pd.Series(clArrTar) + pd.Series(totalComTar) + pd.Series( phCoArrTar) }) return resData except Exception as err: print('八大离子判断出错!请检查eight_ion_coun中判断离子内容', err) # 表10 有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾数据 def nutrient_data(arr): try: organicMatter = [] # 有机质存疑数据 NArr = [] # 全氮存疑数据 PArr = [] # 全磷存疑数据 KArr = [] # 全钾存疑数据 availableP = [] # 有效磷存疑数据 availablek = [] #速效钾存疑数据 slowlyK= [] #缓效钾存疑数据 organicRate = [] #有机质 / 全氮比值存疑数据 availablePCom = [] #有效磷<3和大于60,提示异常; availableTxt = [] # 速效钾<50提示异常 availablekCom = [] # 速效钾>缓效钾 存疑数据 sKErr = [] # 保存交换性钾不等于速效钾 # 异常指标 organicMatterTar = [] # 有机质异常指标 NArrTar = [] # 全氮异常指标 PArrTar = [] # 全磷异常指标 KArrTar = [] # 全钾异常指标 availablePTar = [] # 有效磷异常指标 availablekTar = [] # 速效钾异常指标 slowlyKTar = [] # 缓效钾异常指标 sKErrTar = [] # 保存交换性钾不等于速效钾 for index, row in arr.iterrows(): # 交换性钾 == 速效钾 if not pd.isna(row['速效钾mg/kg']) and not pd.isna(row['交换性钾']) and ((row['速效钾mg/kg'] - row['交换性钾']*391)/ (row['交换性钾']*391) > 0.2 or (row['速效钾mg/kg'] - row['交换性钾']*391)/ (row['交换性钾']*391) < -0.2): sKErr.append('存疑:交换性钾和速效钾误差超20%。') sKErrTar.append('交换性钾、速效钾。') else: sKErr.append('') sKErrTar.append('') #(2)有机质在[2, 50]范围之外的,存疑;有机质<5提示异常; if row['有机质g/kg'] < 2 or row['有机质g/kg'] >50: organicMatter.append('有机质:超阈值。') organicMatterTar.append('有机质。') else: organicMatter.append('') organicMatterTar.append('') #(3)全氮在[0.1, 2.5]范围之外的;存疑; if row['全氮g/kg'] < 0.1 or row['全氮g/kg'] > 2.5: NArr.append('全氮:超阈值。') NArrTar.append('全氮。') else: NArr.append('') NArrTar.append('') #(4)全磷在[0.18, 1.5]范围之外的;存疑; if row['全磷g/kg'] < 0.18 or row['全磷g/kg'] > 1.5: PArr.append('全磷:超阈值。') PArrTar.append('全磷。') else: PArr.append('') PArrTar.append('') #(5)全钾在[10, 29]范围之外的;存疑; if row['全钾g/kg'] < 10 or row['全钾g/kg'] > 29: KArr.append('全钾:超阈值。') KArrTar.append('全钾。') else: KArr.append('') KArrTar.append('') #(6)有效磷在[1, 80]范围之外的;存疑; 耕地 超过80存疑 if (row['pH'] >= 6.5 and (row['有效磷g/kg'] < 3 or row['有效磷g/kg'] > 60)) or (row['pH'] < 6.5 and (row['有效磷g/kg'] <1 or row['有效磷g/kg'] > 80) or (row['编号'][6:10] == '0101' or row['编号'][6:10] == '0102' or row['编号'][6:10] == '0103') and row['有效磷g/kg'] > 60) : availableP.append('有效磷:超阈值。') availablePTar.append('有效磷。') else: availableP.append('') availablePTar.append('') # if row['有效磷g/kg'] < 1 or row['有效磷g/kg'] > 60 or ((row['编号'][6:11] == '0101' or row['编号'][6:11] == '0102' or row['编号'][6:11] == '0103') and row['有效磷g/kg'] > 60): # availableP.append('存疑:有效磷超阈值。') # else: # availableP.append('') #(7)速效钾在[30, 300] 范围之外的;存疑; 耕地超过300存疑 if row['速效钾mg/kg'] < 30 or row['速效钾mg/kg'] > 300 or ((row['编号'][6:10] == '0101' or row['编号'][6:10] == '0102' or row['编号'][6:10] == '0103') and row['速效钾mg/kg'] > 300): availablek.append('速效钾:超阈值。') availablekTar.append('速效钾。') else: availablek.append('') availablekTar.append('') #(8)缓效钾在[100, 2000]范围之外的;存疑; if row['缓效钾mg/kg'] < 100 or row['缓效钾mg/kg'] > 2000: slowlyK.append('缓效钾:超阈值。') slowlyKTar.append('缓效钾。') else: slowlyK.append('') slowlyKTar.append('') #(9)有机质 / 全氮比值≥20和≤13,提示存疑 if row['有机质g/kg']/row['全氮g/kg'] >=20 or row['有机质g/kg']/row['全氮g/kg'] <=13 : organicRate.append('存疑:有机质/全氮比值超阈值。') else: organicRate.append('') #(10)有机质、全氮含量异常高,但速效养分特低,提示异常 无法量化不处理 #(11)母岩为片麻岩,但全钾、速效缓效钾含量低,提示异常 无法量化不处理 #(12)有效磷<3和大于60,提示异常;速效钾<50提示异常 if row['有效磷g/kg'] < 3 or row['有效磷g/kg'] > 60: availablePCom.append('有效磷:超阈值。') else: availablePCom.append('') if row['速效钾mg/kg'] < 50: availableTxt.append('速效钾:超阈值。') else: availableTxt.append('') #(13)速效钾>缓效钾,提示异常 if row['速效钾mg/kg'] > row['缓效钾mg/kg']: availablekCom.append('异常:速效钾大于缓效钾。') else: availablekCom.append('') resData = pd.DataFrame({ '审核结果': pd.Series(organicMatter) + pd.Series(NArr) + pd.Series(PArr) + pd.Series(KArr) + pd.Series(availableP) + pd.Series(availablek) + pd.Series(slowlyK) + pd.Series( organicRate) + pd.Series(availablePCom) + pd.Series(availablekCom) + pd.Series(availableTxt) + pd.Series(availablePCom) + pd.Series(sKErr), '异常指标': pd.Series(organicMatterTar) + pd.Series(NArrTar) + pd.Series(PArrTar) + pd.Series(KArrTar) + pd.Series(availablePTar) + pd.Series(availablekTar) + pd.Series(slowlyKTar) + pd.Series(sKErrTar) }) return resData except Exception as err: print('有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾数据判断出错!请检查nutrient_data中判断内容', err) # 表12 土壤指标判断规则 def soil_metal(arr): try: effectiveL = [] # 有效硫存疑数据 effectiveG = [] # 有效硅存疑数据 effectiveT = [] # 有效铁存疑数据 effectiveM = [] # 有效锰存疑数据 effectiveCu = [] # 有效铜存疑数据 effectiveX = [] # 有效锌存疑数据 effectiveP = [] # 有效硼存疑数据 effectiveMu = [] # 有效钼存疑数据 # 存疑指标 effectiveLTar = [] # 有效硫 effectiveGTar = [] # 有效硅 effectiveTTar = [] # 有效铁 effectiveMTar = [] # 有效锰 effectiveCuTar = [] # 有效铜 effectiveXTar = [] # 有效锌 effectivePTar = [] # 有效硼 effectiveMutar = [] # 有效钼 for index, row in arr.iterrows(): #(1)有效硫在[2, 60]范围之外的,存疑; if (not pd.isna(row['有效硫mg/kg']) and row['有效硫mg/kg'] <2) or (not pd.isna(row['有效硫mg/kg']) and row['有效硫mg/kg'] >60): effectiveL.append('有效硫:超阈值。') effectiveLTar.append('有效硫。') else: effectiveL.append('') effectiveLTar.append('') #(2)有效硅在[10, 500]范围之外的,存疑; if ( not pd.isna(row['有效硅mg/kg']) and row['有效硅mg/kg'] <10) or (not pd.isna(row['有效硅mg/kg']) and row['有效硅mg/kg'] >500): effectiveG.append('有效硅:超阈值。') effectiveGTar.append('有效硅。') else: effectiveG.append('') effectiveGTar.append('') #(3)有效铁在[5, 300]范围之外的,存疑; if ( not pd.isna(row['有效铁mg/kg']) and row['有效铁mg/kg'] <5) or (not pd.isna(row['有效铁mg/kg']) and row['有效铁mg/kg'] >300): effectiveT.append('有效铁:超阈值。') effectiveTTar.append('有效铁。') else: effectiveT.append('') effectiveTTar.append('') #(4)有效锰在[5, 200]范围之外的,存疑; if (not pd.isna(row['有效锰mg/kg']) and row['有效锰mg/kg'] <5) or (not pd.isna(row['有效锰mg/kg']) and row['有效锰mg/kg'] >200) : effectiveM.append('有效锰:超阈值。') effectiveMTar.append('有效锰。') else: effectiveM.append('') effectiveMTar.append('') #(5)有效铜在[0.1, 8]范围之外的,存疑; if ( not pd.isna(row['有效铜mg/kg']) and row['有效铜mg/kg'] <0.1) or (not pd.isna(row['有效铜mg/kg']) and row['有效铜mg/kg'] >8): effectiveCu.append('有效铜:超阈值。') effectiveCuTar.append('有效铜。') else: effectiveCu.append('') effectiveCuTar.append('') #(6)有效锌在[0.1, 10] 范围之外的,存疑; if (not pd.isna(row['有效锌mg/kg']) and row['有效锌mg/kg'] <0.1) or (not pd.isna(row['有效锌mg/kg']) and row['有效锌mg/kg'] >10): effectiveX.append('有效锌:超阈值。') effectiveXTar.append('有效锌。') else: effectiveX.append('') effectiveXTar.append('') #(7)有效硼在[0.1, 2] 范围之外的,存疑; if (not pd.isna(row['有效硼mg/kg']) and row['有效硼mg/kg'] <0.1) or (not pd.isna(row['有效硼mg/kg']) and row['有效硼mg/kg'] >2): effectiveP.append('有效硼:超阈值。') effectivePTar.append('有效硼。') else: effectiveP.append('') effectivePTar.append('') #(8)有效钼在[0.03, 1]范围之外的,存疑。 if (not pd.isna(row['有效钼mg/kg']) and row['有效钼mg/kg'] <0.03) or (not pd.isna(row['有效钼mg/kg']) and row['有效钼mg/kg'] >1): effectiveMu.append('有效钼:超阈值。') effectiveMutar.append('有效钼。') else: effectiveMu.append('') effectiveMutar.append('') resData = pd.DataFrame({ '审核结果': pd.Series(effectiveL) + pd.Series(effectiveT) + pd.Series(effectiveG) + pd.Series(effectiveM) + pd.Series(effectiveCu) + pd.Series(effectiveX) + pd.Series(effectiveP) + pd.Series( effectiveMu), '异常指标': pd.Series(effectiveLTar) + pd.Series(effectiveTTar) + pd.Series(effectiveGTar) + pd.Series(effectiveMTar) + pd.Series(effectiveCuTar) + pd.Series(effectiveXTar) + pd.Series(effectivePTar) + pd.Series( effectiveMutar) }) return resData except Exception as err: print('土壤指标数据判断出错!请检查soil_metal中判断内容', err) # 表14 土壤重金属判断 # 这里风险值和管控值判断 单独写两个函数 # 风险值 def risk_value(arr): unnormalValue = [] for index, row in arr.iterrows(): str = '' if row['编号'][6:10] == '0101': # 水田 # 镉 if (row['pH'] <= 5.5 and row['镉mg/kg'] > 0.3) or ( row['pH'] > 5.5 and row['pH']<= 6.5 and row['镉mg/kg'] > 0.4) or ( row['pH'] >6.5 and row['pH'] <=7.5 and row['镉mg/kg'] > 0.6) or ( row['pH'] > 7.5 and row['镉mg/kg'] > 0.8): str += '镉超污染风险值筛选值。' # 汞 if (row['pH'] <= 5.5 and row['汞mg/kg'] > 0.5) or ( row['pH'] > 5.5 and row['pH'] <= 6.5 and row['汞mg/kg'] > 0.5) or ( row['pH'] > 6.5 and row['pH'] <= 7.5 and row['汞mg/kg'] > 0.6) or ( row['pH'] > 7.5 and row['汞mg/kg'] > 1): str += '汞超污染风险值筛选值。' # 砷 if (row['pH'] <= 5.5 and row['砷mg/kg'] >30) or ( row['pH'] > 5.5 and row['pH'] <= 6.5 and row['砷mg/kg'] > 30) or ( row['pH'] > 6.5 and row['pH'] <= 7.5 and row['砷mg/kg'] > 25) or ( row['pH'] > 7.5 and row['砷mg/kg'] > 20): str += '砷超污染风险值筛选值。' # 铅 if (row['pH'] <= 5.5 and row['铅mg/kg'] > 80) or ( row['pH'] > 5.5 and row['pH'] <= 6.5 and row['铅mg/kg'] > 100) or ( row['pH'] > 6.5 and row['pH'] <= 7.5 and row['铅mg/kg'] > 140) or ( row['pH'] > 7.5 and row['铅mg/kg'] > 240): str += '铅超污染风险值筛选值。' # 铬 if (row['pH'] <= 5.5 and row['铬mg/kg'] > 250) or ( row['pH'] > 5.5 and row['pH'] <= 6.5 and row['铬mg/kg'] > 250) or ( row['pH'] > 6.5 and row['pH'] <= 7.5 and row['铬mg/kg'] > 300) or ( row['pH'] > 7.5 and row['铬mg/kg'] >350): str += '铬超污染风险值筛选值。' else: # 镉 if (row['pH'] <= 5.5 and row['镉mg/kg'] > 0.3) or ( row['pH'] > 5.5 and row['pH']<= 6.5 and row['镉mg/kg'] > 0.3) or ( row['pH'] >6.5 and row['pH'] <=7.5 and row['镉mg/kg'] > 0.3) or ( row['pH'] > 7.5 and row['镉mg/kg'] > 0.6): str += '镉超污染风险值筛选值。' # 汞 if (row['pH'] <= 5.5 and row['汞mg/kg'] > 1.3) or ( row['pH'] > 5.5 and row['pH'] <= 6.5 and row['汞mg/kg'] > 1.8) or ( row['pH'] > 6.5 and row['pH'] <= 7.5 and row['汞mg/kg'] > 2.4) or ( row['pH'] > 7.5 and row['汞mg/kg'] > 3.4): str += '汞超污染风险值筛选值。' # 砷 if (row['pH'] <= 5.5 and row['砷mg/kg'] > 40) or ( row['pH'] > 5.5 and row['pH'] <= 6.5 and row['砷mg/kg'] > 40) or ( row['pH'] > 6.5 and row['pH'] <= 7.5 and row['砷mg/kg'] > 30) or ( row['pH'] > 7.5 and row['砷mg/kg'] > 25): str += '砷超污染风险值筛选值。' # 铅 if (row['pH'] <= 5.5 and row['铅mg/kg'] > 70) or ( row['pH'] > 5.5 and row['pH'] <= 6.5 and row['铅mg/kg'] > 90) or ( row['pH'] > 6.5 and row['pH'] <= 7.5 and row['铅mg/kg'] > 120) or ( row['pH'] > 7.5 and row['铅mg/kg'] > 170): str += '铅超污染风险值筛选值。' # 铬 if (row['pH'] <= 5.5 and row['铬mg/kg'] > 150) or ( row['pH'] > 5.5 and row['pH'] <= 6.5 and row['铬mg/kg'] > 150) or ( row['pH'] > 6.5 and row['pH'] <= 7.5 and row['铬mg/kg'] > 200) or ( row['pH'] > 7.5 and row['铬mg/kg'] > 250): str += '铬超污染风险值筛选值。' if (row['pH'] <= 5.5 and row['镍mg/kg'] > 60) or ( row['pH'] > 5.5 and row['pH'] <= 6.5 and row['镍mg/kg'] > 70) or ( row['pH'] > 6.5 and row['pH'] <= 7.5 and row['镍mg/kg'] > 100) or ( row['pH'] > 7.5 and row['镍mg/kg'] > 190): str += '镍超污染风险值筛选值。' unnormalValue.append(str) return unnormalValue # 管制值 def control_value(arr): unnormalValue = [] for index, row in arr.iterrows(): str = '' # 镉 if (row['pH'] <= 5.5 and row['镉mg/kg'] > 1.5) or ( row['pH'] > 5.5 and row['pH'] <= 6.5 and row['镉mg/kg'] > 2) or ( row['pH'] > 6.5 and row['pH'] <= 7.5 and row['镉mg/kg'] > 3) or ( row['pH'] > 7.5 and row['镉mg/kg'] > 4): str += '镉超污染风险值管制值。' # 汞 if (row['pH'] <= 5.5 and row['汞mg/kg'] > 2) or ( row['pH'] > 5.5 and row['pH'] <= 6.5 and row['汞mg/kg'] > 2.5) or ( row['pH'] > 6.5 and row['pH'] <= 7.5 and row['汞mg/kg'] > 4) or ( row['pH'] > 7.5 and row['汞mg/kg'] > 6): str += '汞超污染风险值管制值。' # 砷 if (row['pH'] <= 5.5 and row['砷mg/kg'] > 200) or ( row['pH'] > 5.5 and row['pH'] <= 6.5 and row['砷mg/kg'] > 150) or ( row['pH'] > 6.5 and row['pH'] <= 7.5 and row['砷mg/kg'] > 120) or ( row['pH'] > 7.5 and row['砷mg/kg'] > 100): str += '砷超污染风险值管制值。' # 铅 if (row['pH'] <= 5.5 and row['铅mg/kg'] >400) or ( row['pH'] > 5.5 and row['pH'] <= 6.5 and row['铅mg/kg'] > 500) or ( row['pH'] > 6.5 and row['pH'] <= 7.5 and row['铅mg/kg'] > 700) or ( row['pH'] > 7.5 and row['铅mg/kg'] > 1000): str += '铅超污染风险值管制值。' # 铬 if (row['pH'] <= 5.5 and row['铬mg/kg'] > 800) or ( row['pH'] > 5.5 and row['pH'] <= 6.5 and row['铬mg/kg'] > 850) or ( row['pH'] > 6.5 and row['pH'] <= 7.5 and row['铬mg/kg'] > 1000) or ( row['pH'] > 7.5 and row['铬mg/kg'] > 1300): str += '铬超污染风险值管制值。' unnormalValue.append(str) return unnormalValue def last_metal(arr): try: totalGe = [] # 总镉在范围之外 totalGo = [] # 总汞在范围之外 totalShen = [] # 总砷在范围之外 totalPb = [] # 总铅在范围之外 totalG = [] # 总铬在范围之外 totalN = [] # 总镍在范围之外 # 异常指标 totalGeTar = [] # 总镉 totalGoTar = [] # 总汞 totalShenTar = [] # 总砷 totalPbTar = [] # 总铅 totalGTar = [] # 总铬 totalNTar = [] # 总镍 # (1)超过风险筛选值,提示关注 overValue = risk_value(arr) # 超过风险筛选值 # (2)超过风险管控值,提示重点关注 overLimit = control_value(arr) # 超过风险管控值 for index, row in arr.iterrows(): # (3)总镉在[0.03, 0.3]范围之外的,存疑 if (row['镉mg/kg'] < 0.03 or row['镉mg/kg'] > 0.3): totalGe.append('总镉:超阈值。') totalGeTar.append('总镉。') else: totalGe.append('') totalGeTar.append('') # (4)总汞在[0.01, 0.3]范围之外的,存疑 if (row['汞mg/kg'] < 0.01 or row['汞mg/kg'] > 0.3): totalGo.append('总汞:超阈值。') totalGoTar.append('总汞。') else: totalGo.append('') totalGoTar.append('') # (5)总砷在[0.5, 30]范围之外的,存疑 if (row['砷mg/kg'] < 0.5 or row['砷mg/kg'] > 30): totalShen.append('总砷:超阈值。') totalShenTar.append('总砷。') else: totalShen.append('') totalShenTar.append('') # (6)总铅在[2, 100]范围之外的,存疑 if (row['铅mg/kg'] < 2 or row['铅mg/kg'] > 100): totalPb.append('总铅:超阈值。') totalPbTar.append('总铅。') else: totalPb.append('') totalPbTar.append('') # (7)总铬在[0.4, 200]范围之外的,存疑 if row['铬mg/kg'] < 0.4 or row['铬mg/kg'] > 200: totalG.append('总铬:超阈值。') totalGTar.append('总铬。') else: totalG.append('') totalGTar.append('') # (8)总镍在[0.3, 100]范围之外的,存疑 if (row['镍mg/kg'] < 0.3 or row['镍mg/kg'] > 100): totalN.append('总镍:超阈值。') totalNTar.append('总镍。') else: totalN.append('') totalNTar.append('') resData = pd.DataFrame({ '审核结果': pd.Series(overValue) + pd.Series(overLimit) + pd.Series(totalGe) + pd.Series(totalGo) + pd.Series(totalShen) + pd.Series(totalPb) + pd.Series( totalG) + pd.Series(totalN), '异常指标': pd.Series(totalGeTar) + pd.Series(totalGoTar) + pd.Series(totalShenTar) + pd.Series(totalPbTar) + pd.Series( totalGTar) + pd.Series(totalNTar) }) return resData except Exception as err: print('土壤重金属指标数据判断出错!请检查last_metal中判断内容', err) # 增加剖面数据审核规则 def sectionData(arr): errArr_LIU = [] errArr_GUI = [] errArr_GAI = [] errArr_MEI = [] errArr_LV = [] errArr_FE = [] errArr_MENG = [] errArr_CU = [] errArr_ZN = [] errArr_PENG = [] errArr_MU = [] errArr_CACO3 = [] errArr_YFE = [] changeS = [] # 可交换酸度 waterS = [] # 水解性酸度 changeH = [] # 水解性氢离子 changeAl = [] # 水解性铝离子 caco3_empty = [] # 存储异常指标 errArr_LIU_Tar = [] errArr_GUI_Tar = [] errArr_GAI_Tar = [] errArr_MEI_Tar = [] errArr_LV_Tar = [] errArr_FE_Tar = [] errArr_MENG_Tar = [] errArr_CU_Tar = [] errArr_ZN_Tar = [] errArr_PENG_Tar = [] errArr_MU_Tar = [] errArr_CACO3_Tar = [] errArr_YFE_Tar = [] changeS_Tar = [] # 可交换酸度 waterS_Tar = [] # 水解性酸度 changeH_Tar = [] # 水解性氢离子 changeAl_Tar = [] # 水解性铝离子 caco3_empty_Tar = [] for index, row in arr.iterrows(): if row['全硫'] < 0.1 or row['全硫'] > 5: errArr_LIU.append('全硫:超阈值。') errArr_LIU_Tar.append('全硫。') else: errArr_LIU.append('') errArr_LIU_Tar.append('') if (row['全硅'] < 18 or row['全硅'] > 30): errArr_GUI.append('全硅:超阈值。') errArr_GUI_Tar.append('全硅。') else: errArr_GUI.append('') errArr_GUI_Tar.append('') if (row['全钙'] <0.05 or row['全钙']>5): errArr_GAI.append('全钙:超阈值。') errArr_GAI_Tar.append('全钙。') else: errArr_GAI.append('') errArr_GAI_Tar.append('') if (row['全镁'] <0.3 or row['全镁'] > 4): errArr_MEI.append('全镁:超阈值。') errArr_MEI_Tar.append('全镁。') else: errArr_MEI.append('') errArr_MEI_Tar.append('') if (row['全铝'] < 4 or row['全铝'] > 12): errArr_LV.append('全铝:超阈值。') errArr_LV_Tar.append('全铝。') else: errArr_LV.append('') errArr_LV_Tar.append('') if row['全铁'] < 2 or row['全铁'] > 6: errArr_FE.append('全铁:超阈值。') errArr_FE_Tar.append('全铁。') else: errArr_FE.append('') errArr_FE_Tar.append('') if (row['全锰'] < 100 or row['全锰'] > 2500): errArr_MENG.append('全锰:超阈值。') errArr_MENG_Tar.append('全锰。') else: errArr_MENG.append('') errArr_MENG_Tar.append('') if (row['全铜'] < 6 or row['全铜'] > 150): errArr_CU.append('全铜:超阈值。') errArr_CU_Tar.append('全铜。') else: errArr_CU.append('') errArr_CU_Tar.append('') if (row['全锌'] < 15 or row['全锌'] > 300): errArr_ZN.append('全锌:超阈值。') errArr_ZN_Tar.append('全锌。') else: errArr_ZN.append('') errArr_ZN_Tar.append('') if (row['全硼'] < 12 or row['全硼'] > 75): errArr_PENG.append('全硼:超阈值。') errArr_PENG_Tar.append('全硼。') else: errArr_PENG.append('') errArr_PENG_Tar.append('') if row['全钼'] < 0.1 or row['全钼'] > 7: errArr_MU.append('全钼:超阈值。') errArr_MU_Tar.append('全钼。') else: errArr_MU.append('') errArr_MU_Tar.append('') if (row['碳酸钙'] < 5 or row['碳酸钙'] > 100): errArr_CACO3.append('碳酸钙:超阈值。') errArr_CACO3_Tar.append('碳酸钙。') else: errArr_CACO3.append('') errArr_CACO3_Tar.append('') if row['游离铁'] < 25 or row['游离铁'] > 40: errArr_YFE.append('游离铁:超阈值。') errArr_YFE_Tar.append('游离铁。') else: errArr_YFE.append('') errArr_YFE_Tar.append('') if row['交换性酸总量'] < 0.1 or row['交换性酸总量'] > 10: changeS.append('交换性酸总量:超阈值。') changeS_Tar.append('交换性酸总量。') else: changeS.append('') changeS_Tar.append('') if row['水解性总酸度'] < 0.1 or row['水解性总酸度'] > 15: waterS.append('水解性总酸度:超阈值。') waterS_Tar.append('水解性总酸度。') else: waterS.append('') waterS_Tar.append('') if row['交换性H⁺'] < 0.05 or row['交换性H⁺'] > 5: changeH.append('交换性H⁺:超阈值。') changeH_Tar.append('交换性H⁺。') else: changeH.append('') changeH_Tar.append('') if row['交换性Al³⁺'] < 0.05 or row['交换性Al³⁺'] > 6: changeAl.append('交换性Al³⁺:超阈值。') changeAl_Tar.append('交换性Al³⁺。') else: changeAl.append('') changeAl_Tar.append('') if row['pH'] > 7 and pd.isna(row['碳酸钙']): caco3_empty.append('碳酸钙:ph大于7碳酸钙未检测。') caco3_empty_Tar.append('碳酸钙。') else: caco3_empty.append('') caco3_empty_Tar.append('') resData = pd.DataFrame({ '审核结果': pd.Series(errArr_LIU) + pd.Series(errArr_GUI) + pd.Series(errArr_GAI) + pd.Series(errArr_MEI) + pd.Series(errArr_LV) + pd.Series(errArr_FE) + pd.Series( errArr_MENG) + pd.Series(errArr_CU) + pd.Series(errArr_ZN) + pd.Series(errArr_PENG)+ pd.Series(errArr_MU) + pd.Series(errArr_CACO3) + pd.Series(errArr_YFE) + pd.Series(changeS) + pd.Series(waterS) + pd.Series(caco3_empty), '异常指标': pd.Series(errArr_LIU_Tar) + pd.Series(errArr_GUI_Tar) + pd.Series(errArr_GAI_Tar) + pd.Series(errArr_MEI_Tar) + pd.Series(errArr_LV_Tar) + pd.Series(errArr_FE_Tar) + pd.Series( errArr_MENG_Tar) + pd.Series(errArr_CU_Tar) + pd.Series(errArr_ZN_Tar) + pd.Series(errArr_PENG_Tar)+ pd.Series(errArr_MU_Tar) + pd.Series(errArr_CACO3_Tar) + pd.Series(errArr_YFE_Tar) + pd.Series(changeS_Tar) + pd.Series(waterS_Tar) + pd.Series(caco3_empty_Tar) }) return resData