<?php namespace Doctrine\Common\Annotations; use Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface; use ReflectionClass; use ReflectionMethod; use ReflectionProperty; use Reflector; use function array_map; use function array_merge; use function assert; use function filemtime; use function max; use function rawurlencode; use function time; /** * A cache aware annotation reader. */ final class PsrCachedReader implements Reader { /** @var Reader */ private $delegate; /** @var CacheItemPoolInterface */ private $cache; /** @var bool */ private $debug; /** @var array<string, array<object>> */ private $loadedAnnotations = []; /** @var int[] */ private $loadedFilemtimes = []; public function __construct(Reader $reader, CacheItemPoolInterface $cache, bool $debug = false) { $this->delegate = $reader; $this->cache = $cache; $this->debug = (bool) $debug; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getClassAnnotations(ReflectionClass $class) { $cacheKey = $class->getName(); if (isset($this->loadedAnnotations[$cacheKey])) { return $this->loadedAnnotations[$cacheKey]; } $annots = $this->fetchFromCache($cacheKey, $class, 'getClassAnnotations', $class); return $this->loadedAnnotations[$cacheKey] = $annots; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getClassAnnotation(ReflectionClass $class, $annotationName) { foreach ($this->getClassAnnotations($class) as $annot) { if ($annot instanceof $annotationName) { return $annot; } } return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getPropertyAnnotations(ReflectionProperty $property) { $class = $property->getDeclaringClass(); $cacheKey = $class->getName() . '$' . $property->getName(); if (isset($this->loadedAnnotations[$cacheKey])) { return $this->loadedAnnotations[$cacheKey]; } $annots = $this->fetchFromCache($cacheKey, $class, 'getPropertyAnnotations', $property); return $this->loadedAnnotations[$cacheKey] = $annots; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getPropertyAnnotation(ReflectionProperty $property, $annotationName) { foreach ($this->getPropertyAnnotations($property) as $annot) { if ($annot instanceof $annotationName) { return $annot; } } return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getMethodAnnotations(ReflectionMethod $method) { $class = $method->getDeclaringClass(); $cacheKey = $class->getName() . '#' . $method->getName(); if (isset($this->loadedAnnotations[$cacheKey])) { return $this->loadedAnnotations[$cacheKey]; } $annots = $this->fetchFromCache($cacheKey, $class, 'getMethodAnnotations', $method); return $this->loadedAnnotations[$cacheKey] = $annots; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getMethodAnnotation(ReflectionMethod $method, $annotationName) { foreach ($this->getMethodAnnotations($method) as $annot) { if ($annot instanceof $annotationName) { return $annot; } } return null; } public function clearLoadedAnnotations(): void { $this->loadedAnnotations = []; $this->loadedFilemtimes = []; } /** @return mixed[] */ private function fetchFromCache( string $cacheKey, ReflectionClass $class, string $method, Reflector $reflector ): array { $cacheKey = rawurlencode($cacheKey); $item = $this->cache->getItem($cacheKey); if (($this->debug && ! $this->refresh($cacheKey, $class)) || ! $item->isHit()) { $this->cache->save($item->set($this->delegate->{$method}($reflector))); } return $item->get(); } /** * Used in debug mode to check if the cache is fresh. * * @return bool Returns true if the cache was fresh, or false if the class * being read was modified since writing to the cache. */ private function refresh(string $cacheKey, ReflectionClass $class): bool { $lastModification = $this->getLastModification($class); if ($lastModification === 0) { return true; } $item = $this->cache->getItem('[C]' . $cacheKey); if ($item->isHit() && $item->get() >= $lastModification) { return true; } $this->cache->save($item->set(time())); return false; } /** * Returns the time the class was last modified, testing traits and parents */ private function getLastModification(ReflectionClass $class): int { $filename = $class->getFileName(); if (isset($this->loadedFilemtimes[$filename])) { return $this->loadedFilemtimes[$filename]; } $parent = $class->getParentClass(); $lastModification = max(array_merge( [$filename ? filemtime($filename) : 0], array_map(function (ReflectionClass $reflectionTrait): int { return $this->getTraitLastModificationTime($reflectionTrait); }, $class->getTraits()), array_map(function (ReflectionClass $class): int { return $this->getLastModification($class); }, $class->getInterfaces()), $parent ? [$this->getLastModification($parent)] : [] )); assert($lastModification !== false); return $this->loadedFilemtimes[$filename] = $lastModification; } private function getTraitLastModificationTime(ReflectionClass $reflectionTrait): int { $fileName = $reflectionTrait->getFileName(); if (isset($this->loadedFilemtimes[$fileName])) { return $this->loadedFilemtimes[$fileName]; } $lastModificationTime = max(array_merge( [$fileName ? filemtime($fileName) : 0], array_map(function (ReflectionClass $reflectionTrait): int { return $this->getTraitLastModificationTime($reflectionTrait); }, $reflectionTrait->getTraits()) )); assert($lastModificationTime !== false); return $this->loadedFilemtimes[$fileName] = $lastModificationTime; } }