@@ -247,103 +247,12 @@
console.log(`当前页: ${val}`);
- // 废止任务
- async repeal() {
- // 判断任务是否为该创建者创建
- for (let i = 0; i < this.multipleSelection.length; i++) {
- if (rymc != this.multipleSelection[i].releaser) {
- this.$alert('任务仅创建者可以废止!', {
- confirmButtonText: '确定',
- callback: action => {}
- });
- }
- }
- var that = this;
- let canPub = 0
- const length = this.multipleSelection.length;
- // var val = this.selectedData;
- this.pubarr = this.multipleSelection;
- for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- if (this.pubarr[i].ispublic == '1') {
- this.pubarr[i].ispublic = 2
- canPub = 1
- } else {
- this.$alert('任务不在可废止状态!', {
- confirmButtonText: '确定',
- callback: action => {
- }
- });
- }
- if(canPub==1){
- const result = await this.$http.post('isPublicTask', {
- pubarr: that.pubarr,
- token: token
- })
- if (result.data.code == 0) {
- this.$message({
- type: 'success',
- message: '任务已废止!'
- });
- that.gettaskList()
- }
- }
- }
- },
// 批量选中
handleSelectionChange(val) {
this.multipleSelection = val;
- // 批量删除
- handleSelectionChange(val) {
- this.multipleSelection = val;
- // console.log(this.multipleSelection)
- },
- // 删除任务
- async delArray() {
- // 判断任务是否为该创建者创建
- for (let i = 0; i < this.multipleSelection.length; i++) {
- if (rymc != this.multipleSelection[i].releaser) {
- this.$alert('任务仅创建者可以删除!', {
- confirmButtonText: '确定',
- callback: action => {
- }
- });
- }
- }
- var that = this;
- const length = this.multipleSelection.length;
- // var val = this.selectedData;
- for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- // console.log(this.multipleSelection[i])
- this.delarr.push(this.multipleSelection[i].id);
- }
- const result = await this.$http.post('delTask', {
- delarr: that.delarr,
- token: token
- })
- if (result.data.code == 0) {
- this.$message({
- type: 'success',
- message: '删除成功!'
- });
- that.gettaskList()
- } else {
- this.$message({
- type: 'error',
- message: '删除失败!'
- });
- }
- this.$refs.multipleTable.clearSelection();
- },
// 获取任务列表
async gettaskList() {
@@ -361,6 +270,16 @@
this.total = res.data.total
+ // 获取分页数据
+ async choseModel() {
+ const result = await this.$http.post('getPesticidesList', this.queryInfo)
+ // 判断业务逻辑
+ if (result.data.code == 0) {
+ this.pesticidesList = result.data.data.rows
+ this.total = result.data.data.total
+ }
+ },
runtask(id) {