jiangyu há 3 anos atrás

+ 16 - 0

@@ -17,6 +17,22 @@
                 return '已完成'       
+    function changeCydStatus(status){
+        switch(status){
+            case 5: 
+                return '已查看'
+            case 13: 
+                return '抽样中'
+            case 14: 
+                return '抽样完成'
+            case 17: 
+                return '检测中'
+            case 18:  
+                return '检测完成'
+            case 21: 
+                return '已完成'       
+        }
+    }
     export default {

+ 396 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+    <el-table :data="underTask" border stripe highlight-current-row  @current-change="handlecyCurrentChange" style="width: 100%"
+            :row-style="rowStyle" :cell-style="cellStyle">
+        <el-table-column :key="table.label" v-for="table in tableHeader" :label="table.label"
+            :prop="table.prop" align="center" :width="table.width" :fixed="table.fixed" />
+        <el-table-column label="操作" align="center" fixed="right">
+        <template slot-scope="scope">
+            <el-button style="margin:5px 0" type="primary" size="small" @click="getJcdObj(scope.row.id,scope.row.cyd_id)">填报检测单
+            </el-button>
+            <!-- <el-button style="margin:5px 5px" type="primary" size="small" @click="putJcdStatus(scope.row.id)"
+            v-if="scope.row.task_profile_status == '已查看'|| scope.row.task_profile_status == '抽样中' || scope.row.task_profile_status == '抽样完成' || scope.row.task_profile_status == '检测中'">上报检测单
+            </el-button> -->
+        </template>
+        </el-table-column>
+    </el-table>
+    <el-pagination @size-change="handleSizeChange" @current-change="handleCurrentChange"
+		:current-page="queryInfo.pageNum" :page-sizes="[1,10, 15, 20]" :page-size="queryInfo.pageSize"
+		layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper" :total="total" background />
+    <el-dialog title="填报检测单" :visible.sync="inputJcdShow" width="70%" :close-on-click-modal="false"
+				class="dialogItem">
+			<div id="inputJcd" style="margin:10px 50px; width:100%">
+				<el-form :rules="rules" :model="jcd">
+					<el-row>
+					<el-col :span="10">
+					<el-form-item label="检测单编码:" prop="jcd_code" class="labelItem">	
+							<el-input v-model="jcd.jcd_code" placeholder="请输入检测单编码" style="width:50%;margin-left:5px;"></el-input>
+					</el-form-item>
+					</el-col>
+					<el-col :span="6">
+					<el-form-item label="检测结果:" prop="jcd_result" class="labelItem">
+						<el-radio-group v-model="jcd.jcd_result">
+							<el-radio :label="1">合格</el-radio>
+							<el-radio :label="0">不合格</el-radio>
+						</el-radio-group>
+					</el-form-item>
+					</el-col>
+					</el-row>
+					<!-- 上传检测报告 -->
+					<el-form-item label="检测单报告上传:" prop="jcd" class="labelItem">
+					<el-upload
+						class="upload-demo"
+						:headers="myHeaders"
+						action='http://syjcapi.aielab.net/api/v1/ossUpload'
+						:on-preview="handlePreview"
+						:on-remove="handleRemove"
+						:before-remove="beforeRemove"
+						:on-success="uploadSuccess"
+						multiple
+						:file-list="fileList">
+						<el-button size="small" type="primary">点击上传</el-button>
+						<div slot="tip" class="el-upload__tip">只能上传pdf文件,且不超过500kb</div>
+					</el-upload>
+				</el-form-item>
+				</el-form>
+			</div>
+			<!-- <div v-show="jcd.jcd_result==0"> -->
+			<div style="display: flex;flex-direction: row;float: right;margin-bottom: 10px;" v-show="jcd.jcd_result==0">
+				<el-button type="primary" size="small" plain @click="addJcxItemDialog = true">新增不合格项</el-button>
+			</div>
+			<div  v-show="jcd.jcd_result==0" id="additems">
+			<!--  表格数据区域-->
+			<el-table border :data="jcxItems" >
+				<el-table-column type="selection" align="center"></el-table-column>
+				<el-table-column label="序号" align="center">
+					<template slot-scope="scope">
+						{{scope.$index+1}}
+					</template>
+				</el-table-column>
+				<el-table-column :key="table.label" v-for="table in jcxHeader" :label="table.label" :prop="table.prop" align="center"></el-table-column>
+				<el-table-column label="操作" align="center">
+					<template slot-scope="scope">
+						<el-col>
+							<el-button type="primary" size="mini" @click="delJcdItem(scope.row.id)">删除</el-button>
+						</el-col>
+					</template>
+				</el-table-column>
+			</el-table>
+			<!--    分页器区域-->
+			<el-pagination @size-change="handleSizeChange2" @current-change="handleCurrentChange2"
+				:current-page="queryInfo2.pageNum" :page-sizes="[1,10, 15, 20]" :page-size="queryInfo2.pageSize"
+				layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper" :total="jcxItemTotal" background />
+			</div>		
+			<!-- <div class="footer">
+				<el-button type="primary" style="margin-bottom:30px;" size="small" @click="putJcd()">完成</el-button>
+			</div> -->
+			</el-dialog>
+            <el-dialog title="新增不合格检测项目" :visible.sync="addJcxItemDialog" width="40%" :close-on-click-modal="false"
+				class="dialogItem">
+				<div id="addUnqualifiedJcx" style="margin:auto;">
+				<el-form ref="jcxform" :rules="rules" :model="jcxItem" style="margin:10px auto;">
+					<el-form-item label="检测项目:" prop="item_name" class="labelItem">
+						<el-input v-model="jcxItem.item_name" style="width:42%"></el-input>
+					</el-form-item>
+					<el-form-item label="标准指标:" prop="item_standard" class="labelItem">	
+							<el-input v-model="jcxItem.item_standard" style="width:42%;"></el-input>
+					</el-form-item>
+					<el-form-item label="实测值:" prop="item_measured_value" class="labelItem">
+						<el-input v-model="jcxItem.item_measured_value" style="width:42%"></el-input>
+					</el-form-item>
+					<el-form-item label="单项判定:" prop="item_result" class="labelItem">
+						<el-input v-model="jcxItem.item_result" style="width:42%"></el-input>
+					</el-form-item>
+					<el-form-item label="监测依据:" prop="item_basis" class="labelItem">
+						<el-input v-model="jcxItem.item_basis" style="width:42%"></el-input>
+					</el-form-item>
+					<el-form-item label="备注:" prop="item_log" class="labelItem">
+						<el-input v-model="jcxItem.item_log" style="width:42%"></el-input>
+					</el-form-item>
+				</el-form>
+				</div>
+				<div class="footer">
+					<el-button type="primary" style="margin-bottom:30px;align:center" size="small" @click="postJcdItem('jcxform')">保存</el-button>
+				</div>
+			</el-dialog>
+const token = window.sessionStorage.getItem('token')
+export default {
+    name: 'detection',
+	props: ['task_id'],
+    data() {
+        return{
+            myHeaders: {
+					Authorization: token
+				},
+            rules: {
+             	item_name: [{required: true, message: '该项为必填项', trigger: 'blur'},],
+                // inspected_address: [{required: true, message: '请输入单位地址', trigger: 'blur'},],
+                item_standard: [{required: true, message: '该项为必填项', trigger: 'blur'},],
+                item_measured_value: [{required: true, message: '该项为必填项', trigger: 'blur'},],
+                item_result: [{required: true, message: '该项为必填项', trigger: 'blur'},],
+                item_basis: [{required: true, message: '该项为必填项', trigger: 'blur'},],
+                item_log: [{required: true, message: '该项为必填项', trigger: 'blur'},],
+                },
+            taskId: this.task_id,
+            underTask: [],
+            inputJcdShow: false,
+            queryInfo:{
+                pageNum: 1,
+				pageSize: 10,
+            },
+            queryInfo2:{
+                pageNum: 1,
+                pageSize: 10,
+                jcd_id: ''
+            },
+            total: 0,
+            // underTask:'',
+            cellStyle: {
+                padding: 2 + 'px'
+            },
+            rowStyle: {
+                height: 35 + 'px'
+            },
+            tableHeader: [
+                   {
+						label: '抽样单编码',
+						prop: 'cyd_code'
+					},{
+						label: '抽样机构',
+						prop: 'jgdw_name',
+					},{
+						label: '抽样地区',
+						prop: 'sample_address'
+					},{
+						label: '样品名称',
+						prop: 'sample_name',
+					},
+                    {
+						label: '样品生产单位名称',
+						prop: 'sample_product_name'
+					},	 {
+						label: '受检单位',
+						prop: 'inspected_name'
+					},
+					{
+						label: '抽样单状态',
+						prop: 'cyd_status'
+					}
+                    // ,{
+					// 	label: '检测单状态',
+					// 	prop: 'task_profile_status'
+					// },
+				],
+                jcd: {
+                jcd_result: 1,
+                file_name: '',
+                file_url: '',
+                sample_id: '',
+                cyd_id: ''
+				},
+                jcxItems: [],
+                fileList: [],
+                addJcxItemDialog: false,//新增不合格检测项目对话框
+                jcxHeader: [
+                {
+                    label: '检测项目',
+                    prop: 'item_name',
+                    // width: 'auto'
+                    // fixed: 'left'
+                },
+                {
+                    label: '标准指标',
+                    prop: 'item_standard',
+                    // width: 'auto'
+                },
+                {
+                    label: '实测值',
+                    prop: 'item_measured_value',
+                    // width: 'auto'
+                },
+                {
+                    label: '单项判定',
+                    prop: 'item_result',
+                    // width: 'auto'
+                },
+                {
+                    label: '检验依据',
+                    prop: 'item_basis',
+                    // width: 'auto'
+                },
+                {
+                    label: '备注',
+                    prop: 'item_log',
+                    // width: 'auto'
+                },
+                ],
+            jcxItemTotal: 0,
+            jcxItem:{},//新增检测项目
+        }
+    },
+    created() {
+    },
+    mounted() {
+        this.newgetJcds()
+    },
+    methods: {
+        async newgetJcds(){
+            var that = this
+            const result = await this.$http.post('newgetJcds', {
+					task_id: that.taskId,
+                    pageNum: that.queryInfo.pageNum,
+                    pageSize: that.queryInfo.pageSize
+				})
+                console.log(result.data.data.rows)
+            that.underTask = result.data.data.rows
+            for(let i = 0; i< this.underTask.length; i++){
+                if(that.underTask[i].cyd_status == 5){
+                    that.underTask[i].cyd_status = '已完成'
+                } else if(that.underTask[i].cyd_status == 1){
+                    that.underTask[i].cyd_status = '未上报'
+                } else if(that.underTask[i].cyd_status == 3){
+                    that.underTask[i].cyd_status = '已上报'
+                }
+            }
+            console.log(that.underTask.cyd_status)
+            that.total = result.data.data.total
+        },
+            /** 监听每页显示多少数据的改变 */
+        handleSizeChange(newSize) {
+            this.queryInfo.pageSize = newSize
+            this.newgetJcds()
+        },
+        /** 监听页码的改变 */
+        handleCurrentChange(newPage) {
+            this.queryInfo.pageNum = newPage
+            this.newgetJcds()
+        },
+        //选中抽样任务(单选)
+        handlecyCurrentChange(val) {
+            this.currentRow = val;
+            console.log(this.currentRow)
+            console.log(this.currentRow.id)
+            // under_id = 
+        },
+            /** 监听每页显示多少数据的改变 */
+        handleSizeChange2(newSize) {
+            this.queryInfo2.pageSize = newSize
+            this.getJcdItems()
+        },
+        /** 监听页码的改变 */
+        handleCurrentChange2(newPage) {
+            this.queryInfo2.pageNum = newPage
+            this.getJcdItems()
+        },
+        //填报检测单
+        async getJcdObj(sample_id,cyd_id) {
+            console.log(111)
+            this.inputJcdShow = true
+            console.log(222)
+            var that = this
+            that.jcd.cyd_id = cyd_id
+            const {
+                data: res
+            } = await this.$http.post("getJcdObj", {
+                cyd_id: cyd_id,
+                sample_id: sample_id
+            });
+            that.jcd_id = res.data.jcd_id
+            // that.jcd.sample_id = 
+            console.log(that.jcd_id)
+            // console.log(that.cyd_id)
+        },
+        //获取不合格检测项目列表
+        async getJcdItems() {
+            let that = this
+            that.queryInfo2.jcd_id = that.jcd_id
+            const res = await this.$http.post('getJcdItems',that.queryInfo2)
+            console.log(res.data.data.rows)
+            this.jcxItems = res.data.data.rows
+            this.jcxItemTotal = res.data.data.total
+        },
+        //上传文件
+        handleRemove(file, fileList) {
+            console.log(file, fileList);
+        },
+        handlePreview(file) {
+            console.log(file);
+        },
+        beforeRemove(file, fileList) {
+            return this.$confirm(`确定移除 ${ file.name }?`);
+        },
+        // 上传成功
+        uploadSuccess(res) {
+            console.log(res.data)
+            this.jcd.file_url = res.data.fileUrl
+            this.jcd.file_name = res.data.fileName
+            console.log(this.jcd.file_url)
+            console.log(this.jcd.file_name)
+        },
+        //新增不合格检测项目
+        async postJcdItem(formName) {
+            let that = this
+            that.jcxItem['jcd_id'] = that.jcd_id
+            const result = await this.$http.post('postJcdItem', that.jcxItem)
+            if (result.data.code == 0) {
+            this.$message({
+                type: 'success',
+                message: '保存成功'
+            })
+            this.addJcxItemDialog = false
+            this.$refs[formName].resetFields();
+            this.getJcdItems()
+        }
+        },
+        // 删除不合格检测项目信息
+        async delJcdItem(id) {
+            let that = this
+            const result = await this.$http.post('delJcdItem', {jcd_item_id: id})
+            // 判断业务逻辑
+            if (result.data.code == 0) {
+                this.$message({
+                    type: 'success',
+                    message: '删除成功'
+                })
+                this.getJcdItems()
+            }
+        },
+    }
+<style lang="less" scoped>
+    .footer {
+		margin-top: 20px;
+		margin-left: 45%;
+	}
+	/deep/ #addUnqualifiedJcx{
+		.el-form-item__label{
+			width: 15%;
+		}
+		.el-form-item__error{
+		left: 6.875rem;
+	}
+	}

+ 1 - 1

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 		<!-- <div slot="header" class="clearfix"> -->
 		<el-breadcrumb separator-class="el-icon-arrow-right">
-			<el-breadcrumb-item>首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
+			<el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/workbench' }">首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
 			<!-- <el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/setTaskcd'}">例行检测</el-breadcrumb-item> -->
 			<!-- <el-breadcrumb-item>承担单位</el-breadcrumb-item>
 			<el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/routineMonitor' }">例行检测</el-breadcrumb-item>

+ 1 - 1

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 		<el-card class="box-card">
 			<div slot="header" class="clearfix">
 				<el-breadcrumb separator-class="el-icon-arrow-right">
-					<el-breadcrumb-item>首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
+					<el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/workbench' }">首页</el-breadcrumb-item>

+ 3 - 3

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 	<el-card class="box-card">
 		<!-- <div slot="header" class="clearfix"> -->
 		<el-breadcrumb separator-class="el-icon-arrow-right" style="margin-bottom: 30px;">
-			<el-breadcrumb-item>首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
+			<el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/workbench' }">首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
 			<el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/jcobj' }">模型列表</el-breadcrumb-item>
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@
 				<el-table-column label="检测标准" width="130px" align="center">
-					<template slot-scope="scope">
+					<!-- <template slot-scope="scope">
-					</template>
+					</template> -->
 			<div class="footer">

+ 262 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+    <div>
+		<el-breadcrumb separator-class="el-icon-arrow-right">
+			<el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/workbench' }">首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
+			<!-- <el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/setTaskcd'}">例行检测</el-breadcrumb-item> -->
+			<el-breadcrumb-item>承担单位</el-breadcrumb-item>
+			<!-- <el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/routineMonitor' }">例行检测</el-breadcrumb-item> -->
+			<!-- <el-breadcrumb-item>任务</el-breadcrumb-item>
+			 :to="{ path: '/jc/setTaskcd' }" -->
+			<el-breadcrumb-item>任务详情</el-breadcrumb-item>
+			<el-breadcrumb-item>检测单详情</el-breadcrumb-item>
+		</el-breadcrumb>
+        <div id="sampleReport">
+        <el-descriptions  title="农产品质量安全检测单" :column="2" border style="margin-top:20px">
+        <el-descriptions-item label="*检测单编号" prop="" style="width:200px" class="labelItem" size="mini" required >
+            {{}}
+        </el-descriptions-item>
+        </el-descriptions>
+        <!-- 受检单位情况 -->
+        <el-descriptions :column="1" border style="" >
+            <el-descriptions-item label="受检单位信息" >
+                <el-descriptions  :column="1" border  size="mini" style="width:100%;font-size:20px;">
+                    <el-descriptions-item label="单位名称" prop="inspected_unit.inspected_name" size="mini" required>
+                        {{inspected_unit.inspected_name}}
+                    </el-descriptions-item>
+                    <el-descriptions-item label="单位地址" prop="inspected_unit.inspected_address" size="mini" required>
+                        {{inspected_unit.inspected_address}}
+                    </el-descriptions-item>
+                    <el-descriptions-item label="联系人" prop="inspected_unit.contact_name" size="mini" required>
+                        {{inspected_unit.contact_name}}
+                    </el-descriptions-item>
+                    <el-descriptions-item label="联系电话" prop="inspected_unit.contact_phone" size="mini" required>
+                        {{inspected_unit.contact_phone}}
+                    </el-descriptions-item>
+                    <el-descriptions-item label="Email" prop="inspected_unit.contact_email" size="mini">
+                        {{inspected_unit.contact_email}}
+                    </el-descriptions-item>
+                </el-descriptions>
+            </el-descriptions-item>
+        </el-descriptions>
+        <!-- 样品信息 -->
+            <!-- <el-descriptions id="sampleInfo" :column="1" border style="">
+                <el-descriptions-item label="样品信息">
+                    <el-descriptions  :column="1" border size="mini" style="width:100%;margin-bottom:5px">
+                        <el-descriptions-item label="抽样地点" prop="cyd_data.cydProfile.sample_address" size="mini" required>
+                            {{cyd_data.cydProfile.sample_address}}
+                        </el-descriptions-item>
+                    </el-descriptions>
+                    <div>
+                        <el-table :data="sample" border stripe highlight-current-row style="width: 100%;border:1px;"
+                        :row-style="rowStyle" :cell-style="cellStyle">
+                         <el-table-column :key="table.label" v-for="table in tableHeader" :label="table.label"
+                        :prop="table.prop" align="center" :width="table.width" :fixed="table.fixed" />
+                        </el-table>
+                    </div>
+                </el-descriptions-item>
+            </el-descriptions> -->
+            <!-- 抽样单位信息 -->
+            <el-descriptions :column="1" border style="" >
+                <el-descriptions-item label="检测信息详情" >
+                    <el-descriptions  :column="1" border  size="mini" style="width:100%">
+                        <el-descriptions-item label="检测单编码" prop="" size="mini" required>
+                            {{}}
+                        </el-descriptions-item>
+                        <el-descriptions-item label="样品名称" prop="" size="mini" required>
+                            {{}}
+                        </el-descriptions-item>
+                        <el-descriptions-item label="检测结果" prop="" size="mini" required>
+                            合格
+                        </el-descriptions-item>
+                        <el-descriptions-item label="检测报告" prop="" size="mini" required>
+                            {{}}
+                        </el-descriptions-item>
+                    </el-descriptions>
+                </el-descriptions-item>
+                <el-descriptions-item label="检测信息详情" >
+                    <el-descriptions  :column="1" border  size="mini" style="width:100%">
+                        <el-descriptions-item label="检测单编码" prop="" size="mini" required>
+                            {{}}
+                        </el-descriptions-item>
+                        <el-descriptions-item label="样品名称" prop="" size="mini" required>
+                            {{}}
+                        </el-descriptions-item>
+                        <el-descriptions-item label="检测结果" prop="" size="mini" required>
+                            不合格
+                        </el-descriptions-item>
+                        <el-descriptions-item label="检测报告" prop="" size="mini" required>
+                            <div>
+                                <el-table border :data="jcxItems" >
+                                    <el-table-column type="selection" align="center"></el-table-column>
+                                    <el-table-column label="序号" align="center">
+                                        <template slot-scope="scope">
+                                            {{scope.$index+1}}
+                                        </template>
+                                    </el-table-column>
+                                    <el-table-column :key="table.label" v-for="table in jcxHeader" :label="table.label" :prop="table.prop" align="center"></el-table-column>
+                                </el-table>
+                            </div>
+                        </el-descriptions-item>
+                    </el-descriptions>
+                </el-descriptions-item>
+            </el-descriptions>
+        <!-- 备注 -->
+        <!-- <el-descriptions :column="1" border style="" >
+            <el-descriptions-item label="备注" > 
+                {{}}
+            </el-descriptions-item>
+        </el-descriptions> -->
+        </div>
+<!-- 底部按钮 -->
+		<el-form>
+				<el-form-item class="btn">
+					<el-button type="primary" @click="back()">返回任务详情</el-button>
+					<!-- <el-button @click="resetForm()">重置</el-button>
+					<el-button @click="onSubmit">保存,继续添加</el-button> -->
+				</el-form-item>
+			</el-form>	
+		</div>
+    export default {
+        data() {
+            return{
+                inspected_unit: {
+                inspected_name: '',
+                inspected_address: '',
+                contact_name: '',
+                contact_phone: '',
+                contact_email: ''
+            },//受检单位信息
+            cyd_data: {
+                cydProfile: '',
+            },//抽样单信息上部分
+            // 样品信息表格
+            tableHeader: [{
+						label: '样品名称',
+						prop: 'sample_name'
+						// fixed: 'left'
+					},
+					{
+						label: '不合格检测项',
+						prop: 'sample_source',
+						// width: 180
+					},
+					{
+						label: '标准指标',
+						prop: 'sample_count',
+						// width: 150
+					},
+					{
+						label: '实测值',
+						prop: 'sample_base',
+						// width: 100
+					},
+					{
+						label: '检测依据',
+						prop: 'sample_md_date',
+						// width: 100
+					}
+				],
+            jcxItems: [],
+            // 检测项目表格
+            jcxHeader: [
+                {
+                    label: '检测项目',
+                    prop: 'item_name',
+                    // width: 'auto'
+                    // fixed: 'left'
+                },
+                {
+                    label: '标准指标',
+                    prop: 'item_standard',
+                    // width: 'auto'
+                },
+                {
+                    label: '实测值',
+                    prop: 'item_measured_value',
+                    // width: 'auto'
+                },
+                {
+                    label: '单项判定',
+                    prop: 'item_result',
+                    // width: 'auto'
+                },
+                {
+                    label: '检验依据',
+                    prop: 'item_basis',
+                    // width: 'auto'
+                },
+                {
+                    label: '备注',
+                    prop: 'item_log',
+                    // width: 'auto'
+                },
+                ],
+            }
+        },
+        created() {
+            this.task_id = this.$route.params.task_id
+			this.cyd_id = this.$route.params.cyd_id
+			console.log(this.task_id)
+			console.log(this.cyd_id)
+            this.getCyd()
+        },
+        methods: {
+			// 获取抽样单信息
+			// async getCyd() {
+			// 	const result = await this.$http.post('getCyd', {
+			// 		cyd_id: this.cyd_id
+			// 	})
+			// 	console.log(result.data.data)
+			// 	this.cyd_data = result.data.data
+			// 	this.inspected_unit = result.data.data.inspectedUnit
+			// 	this.sample = result.data.data.sample
+			// 	if(this.sample.sample_source == ''){
+			// 		this.sample.sample_source = '自产'
+			// 	}
+			// 	this.sampleOrgId = result.data.data.taskProfile.sampleOrgId
+			// 	console.log(this.cyd_data)
+			// 	console.log(this.inspected_unit)
+			// 	console.log(this.sample)
+			// 	console.log(this.sampleOrgId)
+			// },
+        }
+    }
+<style lang="less" scoped>
+	.form {
+		display: flex;
+		flex-direction: row;
+		justify-content: center;
+		align-content: flex-start;
+	}
+	.el-descriptions {
+		width: 80%;
+		margin: auto;
+	}
+	/deep/ .el-descriptions__title {
+		margin: auto;
+		font-size: 1.25rem;
+		// font-weight: 31.25rem !important;
+	}
+	.btn{
+		margin-top:20px ;
+		// float: right;
+		text-align: center;
+	}
+	/deep/ #sampleReport{
+		.el-descriptions-item__label.is-bordered-label{
+		width: 12%;
+		font-size: .875rem;
+		}
+		.el-descriptions-item__content{
+			font-size: .875rem;
+		}
+	}

+ 6 - 6

@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@
 				<el-table-column prop="ispublic" label="任务状态" align="center">
 					<template slot-scope="scope">
 						<el-tag type="" v-if="scope.row.ispublic==1">已发布</el-tag>
-						<el-tag type="danger" v-if="scope.row.ispublic==14">抽样中</el-tag>
-						<el-tag type="info" v-if="scope.row.ispublic==13">检测中</el-tag>
-						<el-tag type="success" v-if="scope.row.ispublic==17">检测中</el-tag>
+						<el-tag type="success" v-if="scope.row.ispublic==9">执行中</el-tag>
+						<el-tag type="danger" v-if="scope.row.ispublic==13">抽样中</el-tag>
+						<el-tag type="info" v-if="scope.row.ispublic==17">检测中</el-tag>
 						<el-tag type="" v-if="scope.row.ispublic==21">已完成</el-tag>
 						<el-tag type="warning" v-if="scope.row.ispublic==25">未完成</el-tag>
@@ -90,11 +90,11 @@
 					<!-- 操作按钮区域的作用域插槽 -->
 					<template slot-scope="scope">
-						<el-button type="primary" style="margin-top:5px;" size="mini" @click="runtask(scope.row.id)">执行任务</el-button>
+						<el-button type="primary" style="margin:5px;" size="mini" @click="runtask(scope.row.id)">执行任务</el-button>
-						<el-col>
+						<!-- <el-col>
 						<el-button type="success" style="margin:5px 0px;" size="mini" @click="up(scope.row.id)">上报任务</el-button>
-						</el-col>
+						</el-col> -->

+ 1 - 1

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 			<div slot="header" class="clearfix">
 				<el-breadcrumb separator-class="el-icon-arrow-right">
-					<el-breadcrumb-item>首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
+					<el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/workbench' }">首页</el-breadcrumb-item>

+ 1 - 1

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 		<!-- <div slot="header" class="clearfix"> -->
 		<el-breadcrumb separator-class="el-icon-arrow-right">
-			<el-breadcrumb-item>首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
+			<el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/workbench' }">首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
 			<!-- <el-breadcrumb-item></el-breadcrumb-item> -->

+ 1 - 1

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 		<el-breadcrumb separator-class="el-icon-arrow-right">
-			<el-breadcrumb-item>首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
+			<el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/workbench' }">首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
 			<el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/routineMonitor' }">任务列表</el-breadcrumb-item>

+ 56 - 56

@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
 		<!-- <div slot="header" class="clearfix"> -->
 		<el-breadcrumb separator-class="el-icon-arrow-right">
-			<el-breadcrumb-item>首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
+			<el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/workbench' }">首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
 			<!-- <el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/setTaskcd'}">例行检测</el-breadcrumb-item> -->
 			<!-- <el-breadcrumb-item>承担单位</el-breadcrumb-item>
 			<el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/routineMonitor' }">例行检测</el-breadcrumb-item>
 			 :to="{ path: '/jc/setTaskcd' }"
 			<el-breadcrumb-item>抽样</el-breadcrumb-item> -->
-			<el-breadcrumb-item>填报抽样单</el-breadcrumb-item>
+			<el-breadcrumb-item>抽样单详情</el-breadcrumb-item>
   	<!-- <el-descriptions-item label="联系地址" :contentStyle="{'text-align': 'right'}">
 	  江苏省苏州市吴中区吴中大道 1188 号
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
 	<!-- 受检单位情况 -->
 	<el-descriptions :column="1" border style="" >
-		<el-descriptions-item label="被抽查单位信息" >
+		<el-descriptions-item label="受检单位信息" >
 			<el-descriptions  :column="1" border  size="mini" style="width:100%;font-size:20px;">
 				<el-descriptions-item label="单位名称" prop="inspected_unit.inspected_name" size="mini" required>
@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@
 		<el-descriptions :column="1" border style="" >
 			<el-descriptions-item label="抽样单位信息" >
 				<el-descriptions  :column="1" border  size="mini" style="width:100%">
-					<el-descriptions-item label="单位名称" prop="sampleOrgId.name" size="mini" required>
-						{{sampleOrgId.name}}
+					<el-descriptions-item label="单位名称" prop="sampleOrgId.rymc" size="mini" required>
+						{{sampleOrgId.rymc}}
 					<el-descriptions-item label="机构类型" prop="sampleOrgId.groupname" size="mini" required>
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
-	const token = window.sessionStorage.getItem('token')
+	// const token = window.sessionStorage.getItem('token')
 	import {
@@ -162,9 +162,9 @@
 		name: 'inputSample',
 		data() {
 			return {
-				myHeaders: {
-					Authorization: 'bearer' + token
-				},
+				// myHeaders: {
+				// 	Authorization: 'bearer' + token
+				// },
 				fileList: [],
 				form: {},
 				cyd_data: {
@@ -254,56 +254,56 @@
 			// 生成样品编码
-			async createCode() {
-				var that = this
-				const result = await this.$http.post('getSampleId', {
-					task_id: this.task_id
-				})
-				console.log(result.data.data.id)
-				if (result.data.code == 0) {
-					that.cyd_data.sample_id = result.data.data.id
-					this.getTestObj()
-				}
-			},
+			// async createCode() {
+			// 	var that = this
+			// 	const result = await this.$http.post('getSampleId', {
+			// 		task_id: this.task_id
+			// 	})
+			// 	console.log(result.data.data.id)
+			// 	if (result.data.code == 0) {
+			// 		that.cyd_data.sample_id = result.data.data.id
+			// 		this.getTestObj()
+			// 	}
+			// },
 			// 获取选择产地
-			handleChange() {
-				var that = this
-				var loc = "";
-				// console.log(this.form.place)
-				for (let i = 0; i < this.selectedOptions.length; i++) {
-					loc += CodeToText[this.selectedOptions[i]];
-				}
-				// console.log(loc)
-				that.cyd_data.place = loc
-				console.log(that.cyd_data.place)
-			},
+			// handleChange() {
+			// 	var that = this
+			// 	var loc = "";
+			// 	// console.log(this.form.place)
+			// 	for (let i = 0; i < this.selectedOptions.length; i++) {
+			// 		loc += CodeToText[this.selectedOptions[i]];
+			// 	}
+			// 	// console.log(loc)
+			// 	that.cyd_data.place = loc
+			// 	console.log(that.cyd_data.place)
+			// },
 			// 上传成功(要确认数据)
-			uploadSuccess(res) {
-				console.log(res.data)
-				this.cyd_data.file_url = res.data.fileUrl
-				this.cyd_data.file_name = res.data.fileName
-			},
-			async onSubmit() {
-				console.log(this.cyd_data.sample_name)
-				var that = this
-				console.log(that.cyd_data)
-				that.cyd_data.task_id = that.task_id
-				that.cyd_data.undertake_id = that.undertake_id
-				that.form.cyd_data = that.cyd_data
-				that.form.unit_test = that.unit_test
-				that.form.unit_production = that.unit_production
-				that.form.unit_sample = that.unit_sample
-				console.log(that.form)
-				const result = await this.$http.post('saveSample', this.form)
-				if (result.data.code == 0) {
-					// that.form.sample_id = result.data.data.id
-					this.$message({
-						type: 'success',
-						message: '提交抽样单成功!'
+			// uploadSuccess(res) {
+			// 	console.log(res.data)
+			// 	this.cyd_data.file_url = res.data.fileUrl
+			// 	this.cyd_data.file_name = res.data.fileName
+			// },
+			// async onSubmit() {
+			// 	console.log(this.cyd_data.sample_name)
+			// 	var that = this
+			// 	console.log(that.cyd_data)
+			// 	that.cyd_data.task_id = that.task_id
+			// 	that.cyd_data.undertake_id = that.undertake_id
+			// 	that.form.cyd_data = that.cyd_data
+			// 	that.form.unit_test = that.unit_test
+			// 	that.form.unit_production = that.unit_production
+			// 	that.form.unit_sample = that.unit_sample
+			// 	console.log(that.form)
+			// 	const result = await this.$http.post('saveSample', this.form)
+			// 	if (result.data.code == 0) {
+			// 		// that.form.sample_id = result.data.data.id
+			// 		this.$message({
+			// 			type: 'success',
+			// 			message: '提交抽样单成功!'
-					});
-				}
-			},
+			// 		});
+			// 	}
+			// },
 			// 重置表单
 			// resetForm() {
 			// 	// console.log(this.form)

+ 1 - 1

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 		<el-breadcrumb separator-class="el-icon-arrow-right">
-			<el-breadcrumb-item>首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
+			<el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/workbench' }">首页</el-breadcrumb-item>

+ 1 - 1

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 		<el-breadcrumb separator-class="el-icon-arrow-right">
-			<el-breadcrumb-item>首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
+			<el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/workbench' }">首页</el-breadcrumb-item>

+ 1 - 1

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 		<el-breadcrumb separator-class="el-icon-arrow-right">
-			<el-breadcrumb-item>首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
+			<el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/workbench' }">首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
 			<el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/routineMonitorqt' }">任务列表</el-breadcrumb-item>

+ 61 - 40

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 		<el-breadcrumb separator-class="el-icon-arrow-right">
-			<el-breadcrumb-item>首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
+			<el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/workbench' }">首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
@@ -148,13 +148,14 @@
 					<el-table-column label="操作" align="center" fixed="right">
 					<template slot-scope="scope">
-						<el-button style="margin:5px 0" type="primary" icon="el-icon-edit-outline" size="mini" plain @click="input(scope.row.id)" v-if="scope.row.task_profile_status!== '14'">填报抽样单
+						<el-button style="margin:5px 0" type="primary" icon="el-icon-edit-outline" size="mini" plain @click="input(scope.row.id)" 
+						v-if="scope.row.task_profile_status == '已查看' || scope.row.task_profile_status == '抽样中'">填报抽样单
-						<el-button type="primary" size="mini" @click="getCydlist(scope.row.id)">查看抽样单列表
+						<el-button style="margin:5px" type="primary" size="mini" @click="getCydlist(scope.row.id)">查看抽样单列表
-						<el-button style="margin:5px 5px" type="primary" size="mini" plain @click="putCydStatus(scope.row.id)" 
+						<el-button style="margin:5px 5px" type="primary" size="mini" @click="putCydStatus(scope.row.id)" 
 						v-if="scope.row.task_profile_status == '已查看' || scope.row.task_profile_status == '抽样中'">上报抽样信息
@@ -207,8 +208,9 @@
 			<el-tab-pane label="检测" name="third">
+				<detection :task_id="task_id"></detection>
 			<!-- <el-tab-pane  v-if="checkShow==true"  label="检测" name="third"> -->
-			<el-table :data="underTask" border stripe highlight-current-row  @current-change="handlecyCurrentChange" style="width: 100%"
+			<!-- <el-table :data="underTask" border stripe highlight-current-row  @current-change="handlecyCurrentChange" style="width: 100%"
 					:row-style="rowStyle" :cell-style="cellStyle">
 				<el-table-column :key="table.label" v-for="table in tableHeader2" :label="table.label"
 					:prop="table.prop" align="center" :width="table.width" :fixed="table.fixed" />
@@ -217,43 +219,43 @@
 					<el-button style="margin:5px 0" type="primary" size="small" @click="getJcdList(scope.row.id)">查看检测单列表
-					<el-button style="margin:5px 5px" type="primary" size="small" plain @click="putJcdStatus(scope.row.id)"
-					v-if="scope.row.task_profile_status == '已查看'|| scope.row.task_profile_status == '抽样中' || scope.row.task_profile_status == '检测中'">上报检测单
+					<el-button style="margin:5px 5px" type="primary" size="small" @click="putJcdStatus(scope.row.id)"
+					v-if="scope.row.task_profile_status == '已查看'|| scope.row.task_profile_status == '抽样中' || scope.row.task_profile_status == '抽样完成' || scope.row.task_profile_status == '检测中'">上报检测单
-			</el-table>
+			</el-table> -->
 			<!-- 查看检测单列表弹框 -->
-			<el-dialog title="检测单列表" :visible.sync="checkTestList" width="70%" :close-on-click-modal="false"
-				class="dialogItem">
+			<!-- <el-dialog title="检测单列表" :visible.sync="checkTestList" width="70%" :close-on-click-modal="false"
+				class="dialogItem"> -->
 				<!--  表格数据区域-->
-				<el-table :data="tableData1" border stripe highlight-current-row style="width: 100%"
+				<!-- <el-table :data="tableData1" border stripe highlight-current-row style="width: 100%"
 					:row-style="rowStyle" :cell-style="cellStyle">
 					<el-table-column label="序号" width="50px">
 						<template slot-scope="scope">
 							{{ scope.$index+1 }}
-					</el-table-column>
+					</el-table-column> -->
-					<el-table-column :key="table.label" v-for="table in checkHeader" :label="table.label"
-						:prop="table.prop" align="center" :width="table.width" :fixed="table.fixed" />
-					<el-table-column label="操作" align="center" fixed="right" width="350px">
+					<!-- <el-table-column :key="table.label" v-for="table in checkHeader" :label="table.label"
+						:prop="table.prop" align="center" :width="table.width" :fixed="table.fixed" /> -->
+					<!-- <el-table-column label="操作" align="center" fixed="right" width="350px">
 						<template slot-scope="scope">
 							<el-button style="margin:5px 5px" type="primary" size="mini" plain
-								@click="getSamplesLists(scope.row.id)">获取样品列表</el-button>
+								@click="getSamplesLists(scope.row.id)">获取样品列表</el-button> -->
 							<!-- <el-button style="margin:5px 5px" type="primary" size="mini" plain @click="creatpdf(scope.row.sample_id)">生成检测报告
 							</el-button> -->
-						</template>
+						<!-- </template>
-				</el-table>
+				</el-table> -->
 				<!--    分页器区域-->
-				<el-pagination @size-change="handleSizeChange1" @current-change="handleCurrentChange1"
+				<!-- <el-pagination @size-change="handleSizeChange1" @current-change="handleCurrentChange1"
 					:current-page="queryInfo1.pageNum" :page-sizes="[1,10, 15, 20]" :page-size="queryInfo1.pageSize"
 					layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper" :total="jcdListTotal" background />
-			</el-dialog>
+			</el-dialog> -->
 			<el-dialog title="样品信息列表" :visible.sync="getSamplesList" width="75%" :close-on-click-modal="false"
@@ -272,15 +274,22 @@
 					align="center" :width="table.width" :fixed="table.fixed" />
 				<el-table-column label="操作" align="center">
 						<template slot-scope="scope">
-						<el-col style="margin-bottom: 5px;">
-							<el-button style="margin:5px 5px" type="primary" size="mini" v-if="scope.row.jcd==null" plain
+						<el-col style="margin: 5px;">
+							<el-button style="" type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-edit-outline" plain
+							</el-col>
+							<el-col style="margin: 5px;">
+							<el-button style="" type="primary" size="mini"
+								@click="readJcdObj(scope.row.id,scope.row.cyd_id)">查看检测单</el-button>
+							</el-col>
+							<!-- <el-button style="margin:5px 5px" type="primary" size="mini" v-if="scope.row.jcd==null" plain
+								@click="getJcdObj(scope.row.id,scope.row.cyd_id)">填报检测单</el-button> -->
 							<!-- <el-button style="margin:5px 5px" type="primary" v-else size="mini" plain @click="update(scope.row)">修改</el-button> -->
 							<!-- <el-button style="margin:5px 5px" type="primary" size="mini" plain @click="putJcdStatus(scope.row.jcd.id,scope.row.cyd_id)" v-else-if="scope.row.jcd.jcd_status == '1'">上报检测单
 							</el-button> -->
-							<el-button style="margin:5px 5px" type="primary" size="mini" plain v-else-if="scope.row.jcd.jcd_status == '3'">检测单已上报
-							</el-button>
-						</el-col>
+							<!-- <el-button style="margin:5px 5px" type="primary" size="mini" plain v-else-if="scope.row.jcd.jcd_status == '3'">检测单已上报 -->
+							<!-- </el-button> -->
@@ -336,8 +345,8 @@
 			<div  v-show="jcd.jcd_result==0" id="additems">
 			<!--  表格数据区域-->
 			<el-table border :data="jcxItems" >
-				<el-table-column type="selection"></el-table-column>
-				<el-table-column label="序号">
+				<el-table-column type="selection" align="center"></el-table-column>
+				<el-table-column label="序号" align="center">
 					<template slot-scope="scope">
@@ -360,12 +369,12 @@
-			<div class="footer">
+			<!-- <div class="footer">
 				<el-button type="primary" style="margin-bottom:30px;" size="small" @click="putJcd()">完成</el-button>
-			</div>
+			</div> -->
-			<el-dialog title="新增不合格检测项目" :visible.sync="addJcxItemDialog" width="40%" :close-on-click-modal="false"
+			<!-- <el-dialog title="新增不合格检测项目" :visible.sync="addJcxItemDialog" width="40%" :close-on-click-modal="false"
 				<div id="addUnqualifiedJcx" style="margin:auto;">
 				<el-form ref="jcxform" :rules="rules" :model="jcxItem" style="margin:10px auto;">
@@ -389,13 +398,13 @@
-			<div class="footer">
-				<el-button type="primary" style="margin-bottom:30px;" size="small" @click="postJcdItem('jcxform')">保存</el-button>
-			</div>
-			</el-dialog>
+				<div class="footer">
+					<el-button type="primary" style="margin-bottom:30px;" size="small" @click="postJcdItem('jcxform')">保存</el-button>
+				</div>
+			</el-dialog> -->
 			<!-- ///////////////////////////////////////////检测报告生成-------难、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、 -->
-			<el-dialog title="生成监测报告" :visible.sync="dialogVisible2" width="50%">
-				<div id="pdf">
+			<!-- <el-dialog title="生成监测报告" :visible.sync="dialogVisible2" width="50%"> -->
+				<!-- <div id="pdf">
 					<el-form ref="formjc" :model="formjc" label-width="100px"
 						style="margin-top: 20px;width: 100%;background-color: aliceblue;padding: 5px;">
 						<el-row style="text-align: center; font-size: 23px; margin: 40px 0;">
@@ -521,13 +530,13 @@
 						<el-table-column :key="table.label" v-for="table in jcheader" :label="table.label"
 							:prop="table.prop" align="center" :width="table.width" :fixed="table.fixed" />
-				</div>
+				</div> -->
 				<!-- <div  style="margin-top: 10px; text-align: center">
 				<el-button @click="dialogVisible2 = false">取 消</el-button>
 				<el-button type="primary" @click="download">生成检测报告pdf</el-button>
 				</div> -->
 				<!-- </span> -->
-			</el-dialog>
+			<!-- </el-dialog> -->
 			<!-- <el-tab-pane label="报告上传" name="five">
 				<el-upload class="upload-demo" :file-list="fileList" drag :headers="myHeaders"
@@ -542,6 +551,7 @@
+	import detection from './detection'
 	import htmlToPdf from '../../assets/js/htmlToPdf.js'
 	import inputCheck from './inputCheck'
 	const token = window.sessionStorage.getItem('token')
@@ -813,7 +823,8 @@
 		components: {
-			inputCheck
+			inputCheck,
+			detection,
 		mounted() {},
 		created() {
@@ -1179,6 +1190,16 @@
 				// console.log(that.cyd_id)
+			//查看检测单详情
+			async readJcdObj(){
+				this.$router.push({
+					name: 'readJcd',
+					params: {
+					}
+				})
+			},
 			async putJcdStatus(id){
 				var that = this
@@ -1266,7 +1287,7 @@
-							type: 'success',
+							type: 'error',
 							message: '上报抽样信息失败'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 			<div slot="header" class="clearfix">
 				<el-breadcrumb separator-class="el-icon-arrow-right">
-					<el-breadcrumb-item>首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
+					<el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/workbench' }">首页</el-breadcrumb-item>

+ 1 - 3

@@ -2,9 +2,7 @@
     <div slot="header" class="clearfix">
       <el-breadcrumb separator-class="el-icon-arrow-right">
-        <el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/workbench' }"
-          >首页</el-breadcrumb-item
-        >
+        <el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/jc/workbench' }">首页</el-breadcrumb-item>

+ 8 - 0

@@ -263,6 +263,14 @@ const routes = [{
 			path: '/jc/modifySubjectInformation',
 			component: () => import('../components/jc/modifySubjectInformation')
+		},{
+			path: '/jc/readJcd',
+			name:'readJcd',
+			component: () => import('../components/jc/readJcd')
+		},{
+			path: '/jc/detection',
+			name:'detection',
+			component: () => import('../components/jc/detection')